A Year in Gratitude

This year I wanted to make sure I was spending time daily in a space of gratitude.  I decided to choose one thing, everyday for the entire year, that I am grateful for.  I am looking forward to taking this journey in gratitude!

Day 1: To be brining in this new year!

Day 2: For my awesome team - Team Aloha!

Day 3:  To have found my passion to help others
improve their health!

Day 4:  To have finally finished my
health transformation journey video!

Day 5:  Super grateful to not be in Michigan for the worst storm
in over 20 years!

Day 6:  For my mom on her birthday!

Day 7:  I am able to touch
lives on a daily basis.

Day 8:  For the sun

Day 9:  For the ability to give back

Day 10:  To be open to receiving
tools to help me strengthen my relationship

Day 11: Life!

Day 12:  The ability to brighten someone's day
with a thoughtful gift.

Day 13:  For my crazy dog Marley!
She is a total diabetic diva, pain in the butt but I love
her with all my heart :)

Day 14:  Making connections with new people

Day 15:  It's 50 degrees in January in WA!
Coming from MI that's awesome :)

Day 16:  Connecting with the kids I tutor every week

Day 17:  For making someone cry happy tears
by doing something so small :)

Day 18:  Attracting business builders

Day 19:  Making plans to go  home and see my family!

Day 20:  For my awesome sister xxoo

Day 21:  Making new friends :)

Day 22:  Having quiet moments

Day 23:  Natures beauty!

Day 24:  Girls night out, learning how to defend ourselves!
Day 25:  For my new set of coping skills I've gained during
personal development.  They are coming in handy during
difficult times!

Day 26:  Officially PiYo Strength certified :)

Day 27:  A day to rest and recover!

Day 28:  A supportive family

Day 29:  My fiancé taking care of me while I was sick

Day 30:  Magic pills from the Dr. to help with my pain
and to help me sleep!

Day 31:  Finally having an answer

Day 32:  Lino having an awesome month at work!

Day 33:  Seattle winning the Super Bowl :)

Day 34:  Not having to move ourselves!

Day 35:  After speaking with multiple reps,
3-4 hours on the phone, a trip to the local center ...
and a few more calls - I am grateful for FINALLY
getting my cable and internet back!

Day 36:  Thrilled to be in a dry & mold free apartment!

Day 37:  I am so grateful for my awesome parents!

Day 38:  Having a positive outlet for my stress and aggression!

Day 39:  Sweet potato fries ... yum :)
Day 40:  That this is a "snow storm" in my new city!
Pppsssshhhh ... I think I can handle this!

Day 41:  The rain stopping just long enough
for me to walk into town and get my errands done.

Day 42:  The flow section of my PiYo routine.  I just
love it!  It always makes me feel better :)

Day 43:  Sushi at one our favorite places, Blue Wassabi

Day 44:  The song Sail by Awolnation.  I cannot help but
jam when I hear this song and it always gets me amped!

Day 45:  A little nature therapy!

Day 46:  A quiet rainy day at home
Day 47:  A great conversation with my mom always helps
me to feel better :)

Day 48:  Having the courage to say how I really feel.

Day 49:  Just being!  No expectations, no worries,
nowhere to be, no one to be with ....

Day 50:  Being comfortable with getting uncomfortable

Day 51:  My 21 Day Fix finally arriving :)

Day 52:  Awesome girls night with an amazing new girlfriend :)

Day 53:  Receiving some great hand me downs from Meg.
I finally have a few more things that fit yay :)

Day 54:  Having a much needed, productive conversation.

Day 55:  Lino coming home

Day 56:  Re-connecting

Day 57:  Having a great month in my business
Day 58:  For my dad on his birthday!  Love you dad xxoo

Day 59:  For just being happy :)

Day 60:  For the time to relax, rest and recharge!

Day 61:  My awesome results from just week one of
the 21 Day Fix!

Day 62:  Finally having a little extra in the bank
to get a few things we've needed.

Day 63:  For Shakeology .... it's changed my
health in SO many ways!

Day 64:  To reach 1,500 likes on my health/fitness page.
I am so humbled!

Day 65:  Healthy food that makes me feel so amazing!

Day 66:  Marley had her blood drawn and she is ok :)
Day 67:  Fun adventure day at Pike's Place with Meg

Day 68:  To be touched by the story of such a brave little boy.
Nicky said enough is enough to cancer on 3/9/14 after
fighting for his whole 4 years.  

Day 69:  Getting birthday presents in the mail :)

Day 70:  My aunt Mary on her birthday!
Love you and miss you xxoo

Day 71:  Spending an awesome birthday in the city with
Lino and cousin Lauren who was in town!  First family
I've seen in 9 months ... made this the best bday ever :)

Day 72:  Finding the RIGHT people
to watch Marley on Dogvacay.com

Day 73:  My new awesome coffee drip system
Day 74:  Fun night in the city and my first time at roller derby!
Day 75:  Taking a new course to learn how to expand my business.

Day 76:  So blessed to have known such a sweet soul.
RIP Abbie we will miss you xxoo

Day 77:  My new phone I love it!!
Thanks Meg you rock!

Day 78:  Getting all our last minute errands done for our cruise!
Day 79:  Doterra Deep Blue.  Love this stuff
it's really helping with my aches and pains!

Day 80:  A good sense of intuition

Day 81:  Feeling prepared

Day 82:  Vacation time!
Day 83:  Officially setting sail with some of my
Team Aloha members, and 3,300 members of our
Beachbody family!

Day 84:  Having an amazing dinner with my team!

Day 85:  Great day on a catamaran tour, snorkeling
and playing on the beach with some Team Aloha peeps.
Wish our whole team could be here!

Day 86:  This AWESOME Beachbody family!!
Day 87:  This amazing opportunity I've been blessed with :)

Day 88:  For amazing friends like
Joanne and John to help us out
when we needed it most!

Day 89:  For FINALLY making it home!

Day 90:  For Marley doing well
while we were gone.

Day 91:  For Lino having my back while I suffer through
my first BAD case of vertigo!

Day 92:  For Marley on her 9th birthday!

Day 93:  The ability to rest until I feel better!

Day 94:  For acupuncture seeming to help .... a little

Day 95:  Awesome Bday gift from Meg.  Girls night out complete
with dinner, cocktails, painting and fun :)

Day 96:  My creativity!

Day 97: Having the freedom to work outside when
I want to

Day 98:  Hosting a great team call!

Day 99: An awesome night at Petty Fest!  Great
music & great company!

Day 100: After many frustrations and a sick dog,
finally having a good conversation with a vet
that cared!

Day 101: An awesome meditation session

Day 102: An awesome Super Saturday event!

Day 103:  A fantastic day with girlfriends that included:
A drag queen show, lots of bloody Mary's and
endless laughs :)

Day 104:  Life :)

Day 105:  To be able to work anywhere
I can take my laptop!

Day 106:  Happy hour date night

Day 107:  Marley finally eating her new food

Day 108:  Getting a call from someone who wanted
to say that because of me, their life is now amazing!
What a feeling :)

Day 109: Hosting a fun game night

Day 110:  Spending a day getting caught
up with tasks

Day 111:  Getting a lot of training videos completed

Day 112:  Earth day :)

Day 113:  A day at our favorite park - Marymoor :)

Day 114:  Delicious, healthy, grilled food

Day 115:  The feeling of completing a major project :)

Day 116:  A fun adventure in the city

Day 117:  Making time to watch a great

Day 118:  Taking a day to chill

Day 119: Picture perfect weather

Day 120:  Feeling a connection with others

Day 121:  Another great Pike's Place adventure ...
Never gets old :)

Day 122:  The feeling that I'm on the right track

Day 123:  An awesome new tofu recipe

Day 124:  Completing my Coach Basics Training

Day 125:  Catching up on some sleep!

Day 126:  Extra long how shower

Day 127:  Marley's check up going well

Day 128:  Getting my herbs and lettuce for the season

Day 129:  A much needed yoga session

Day 130:  Seeing an awesome show, Chris Robinson Brotherhood, at a cool venue

Day 131:  Great Skype session with my mom

Day 132:  Feeling Advancement in my personal development, especially on my difficult days

Day 133:  Knowing this pain will turn into joy

Day 134:  Meeting someone you're supposed to
Day 135:  Getting through my deposition

Day 136:  Finally booked my flight to Vegas for Coach Summit!
Day 137:  Having a great girlfriend to move in with

Day 138:  Finishing phase II of my training

Day 139:  Distance

Day 140:  Freedom :)

Day 141:  A healthy 21 day fix meal with a good friend

Day 142:  Re-connecting

Day 143:  Getting a good nights sleep

Day 144:  PiYo making me feel stronger and more flexible

Day 145:  Having options

Day 146:  New opportunities to improve my leadership skills

Day 147:  Crossing paths with someone you're meant too

Day 148:  Feeling the powerful effect of meditation

Day 149:  Having this amazing, motivating girls in my life!!

Day 150:  Feeling driven!!

Day 151:  An awesome day in the city that included the Ballard Farmers Market and Discovery Park

Day 152:  Feeling Powerful!

Day 153:  Starting a new chapter

Day 154:  Feeling free!

Day 155:  Being given access to an amazing resource!
Day 156:  First farmers market of the season

Day 157:  Magnificent shadows

Day 158:  Getting a care package from a great friend

Day 159:  Having a health scare but being ok!

Day 160:  A group of new girlfriends that care

Day 161:  Going Diamond

Day 162:  A great Skype session with my mom ...
even though she wouldn't let me take a pic!

Day 163:  That I started this project and I'm focusing
everyday about what is good in my life :)

Day 164:  That Marley is ok after a scary trip to the vet!

Day 165:  Having a break through

Day 166:  Being taken out to celebrate advancement
in my business

Day 167:  Getting all packed for Vegas

Day 168:  Finally getting to Vegas after a really long
travel day

Day 169:  Being surrounded by amazing energy!!

Day 170:  My amazing Team Aloha family

Day 171:  An incredible weekend filled with such

Day 172:  Finally getting home!!

Day 173:  Feeling such determination

Day 174:  An awesome Team Aloha call

Day 175:  Finally getting my story video taped for Super Saturday

Day 176:  Getting the rest of my training videos made

Day 177:  Feeling like a leader

Day 178:  The most awesome Super Saturday yet!  My
story was shared in front of 300+ people!

Day 179:  A great team cup call

Day 180:  Receiving a much needed apology

Day 181:  Another great city adventure day

Day 182:  Funds showing up right when I needed it most!

Day 183:  Finally getting to hang out with my girl!!

Day 184:  My freedom

Day 185:  Catching up with an old friend

Day 186:  Amazing hike, complete with waterfalls!  I can't
believe I live here!!

Day 187:  Hosting my largest conference call yet!

Day 188:  Great adventure to Bainbridge Island

Day 189:  Having access to a natural oil to help me with my pain

Day 190: Snuggles with my girl

Day 191: Feeling calm during a time of chaos

Day 192: Fun day with fun friends!

Day 193:  A very chill yet productive day

Day 194: Having awesome opportunities reveal themselves

Day 195: Connecting with an amazing group of women

Day 196: Having another day with my girl after a scare

Day 197:  Having more time with my favorite girl

Day 198:  First sushi dinner in a long time

Day 199: Getting on the same page with a friend

Day 200: Feeling the effects of expressing 200 days of gratitude

Day 201: Motivation

Day 202: A quiet rainy day

Day 203: An awesome connection with a new friend

Day 205: Expanding my mind - learning new things

Day 206:  Quiet time

Day 207: Getting ready for a great week!

Day 208: Not letting someone else's opinions and issues personally effect me.

Day 209: Making some headway on where we are going to live

Day 210: Finding our next home

Day 211: Finding a healthy new desert

Day 212: Knowing i'm on the right track

Day 213: Relaxing

Day 214: Selling my entertainment center

Day 215: Day one of my new training group

Day 216:  Happy hour after a cleanse

Day 217: Getting invited to join the Seattle Market Council

Day 218: Having amazing supportive parents

Day 219: A much needed day at the park with my pooch

Day 220: Awesome food fest in Capital Hill with my buds

Day 221:  PiYo

Day 222:  Being able to work from home when I don't feel well

Day 223: Getting things you ask the universe for

Day 224: The sound of rain while I'm sleeping

Day 225: Working from home

Day 226: A new adventure unfolding

Day 227: Paying it forward

Day 228: Having a car to get me from point A to B

Day 229: Potentially being able to help a family member in a HUGE way!

Day 230: Hope

Day 231: Getting news I may not have wanted but in time

Day 232: Having great support when I need it most

Day 233: Finding my new home

Day 234: Being free of anxiety

Day 235: The feeling of excitement

Day 236: Being ready to move
Day 237: A helpful Comcast agent - I didn't know they existed!

Day 238: Having help on moving day

Day 239: My awesome new view

Day 240: My new cute apartment

Day 241: Strengthening a family bond

Day 242: Feeling settled in my new home

Day 243: Finding a great happy hour across the street

Day 244: Re-connecting with a friend and moving on

Day 245: Taking the first step to determine my blood type

Day 246: The smell of freshly ground coffee

Day 247: Sunset on my new balcony

Day 248: Catching up with a good friend

Day 249: Being able to work from my patio

Day 250: Feeling re-energized

Day 251: Getting to see my parents for the first time in a long time

Day 252: Getting to spend an amazing day with my family

Day 253: A fun Port Orchard adventure

Day 254: Showing my family Pike's Place Market

Day 255: An incredible week with my family

Day 256: Getting caught up on life

Day 257: Finding a new gratitude app

Day 258:  Sunset

Day 259: A great sushi dinner with a good friend

Day 260: Stepping outside of my comfort zone and starting a cool new project

Day 261: Trying a new recipe

Day 262: Fun adventure to the Trailer Park Flea Market

Day 263: Quiet time at home

Day 264: Peaceful scenery

Day 265: Shakeology mug cake!

Day 266:  Having friends that push me to be better

Day 267: Time to reflect

Day 268: Getting my room organized

Day 269:  Another amazing Super Saturday event!

Day 270:  A day to unwind

Day 271:  My home :)

Day 272: Persistence

Day 273: Groceries

Day 274: Dinner with my neighbor

Day 275: Sex

Day 276: A new haircut

Day 277: Faith

Day 278: Feel empowered

Day 279: My mom teaching me how to be a badass!

Day 280: Getting herbs that will hopefully help Marley

Day 281: Hosting my first live webinar

Day 282: Getting great news that friends may be moving close
Day 283: Being good to my temple

Day 284: Experiencing my first sound bath

Day 285: Having someone like Lino in my life

Day 286: Having another day to spend with Marley

Day 287: Getting to travel home for the first time in 16 months

Day 288: Getting to see my dad

Day 289:  Family get-togethers

Day 290: An awesome day with my mom

Day 291: Sweet Stella

Day 292: Helping Sophie

Day 293: Making it through my MRI

Day 294: Dinner with Nick and Tianna

Day 295: Slows BBQ and a Red Wings Game

Day 296: Taking Stella to Build a Bear and watching her experience it :)

Day 297: Nettie's 40th surprise party

Day 298: Lunch with a girlfriend

Day 299: Cider Mill

Day 300: Getting the HUGE news that i'm a match to save John's life!

Day 301: Coming home to the State I love so much :)

Day 302: Getting a much needed release

Day 303: Marley being happy and seizure free

Day 304: First fire in our apartment

Day 305: Reconnecting with my blog

Day 306: An amazing Reiki session

Day 307: Announcing the surgery

Day 308: My first cute pair of rain boots

Day 309: Broccoli

Day 310: Korean food

Day 311: New ideas

Day 312: Trying new recipes in the kitchen

Day 313: My sister on her 30th birthday :)

Day 314:  Small plates

Day 315: Variety

Day 316: Warm Balsamic Brussels Salad

Day 317: The Oprah & Depak 21 Day Meditation Challenge

Day 318: Protein

Day 319:  Water

Day 320: Waking up in a good mood

Day 321: Leaving a surprise for friends to find

Day 322: Recognizing my triggers

Day 323: Having friends from home move within one mile

Day 324: Connecting with a book spiritually

Day 325: Lino's sweet sweet mother

Day 326: Taking Matt & Andrea to the city
for their first dinner in Seattle!

Day 327: Living in Seattle :)

Day 328: Getting the Mind ~ Body ~ Soul group going

Day 329: Going to my first Barre class

Day 330: Friendsgiving

Day 331: A complete strangers generosity

Day 332: The potential of a new adventure

Day 333: Getting into a full headstand

Day 334: The most amazing outpouring of love and support

Day 335: Getting to spend the afternoon with my girl Charisse

Day 336: Crying

Day 337: Getting to show Andrea Pike's Place for the first time

Day 338: Finding the best Greek yogurt on the planet!

Day 339: Celebrating Lino's birthday

Day 340 A successful day of Christmas shopping

Day 341: Feeling confident and calm

Day 342: Getting all my gifts wrapped

Day 343: My dreams

Day 344: Helping others

Day 345: The opportunity to share my story to help others

Day 346: Celebrating Xmas with my fav girl :)

Day 347: My first singing bowl

Day 348: Recognizing the signs around me

Day 349: Shakeology

Day 350: Paintnite with the girls

Day 351: Xmas gifts for me :)

Day 352: Feeling challenged to grow

Day 353: A night on the town with my girls
Day 354: My zucchini bread turning out

Day 355: An amazing sound bath that completely relaxed me

Day 356: An incredible Reiki session

Day 357: Great morning at a new dog park!

Day 358: Forgiveness

Day 359: Such a cool Christmas morning at Lighthouse Beach

Day 360: My last drink before my surgery!

Day 361:  A quiet day at home

Day 362:  My last blood draw before my surgery

Day 363: Sunshine :)

Day 364: A great coffee blog work date with my girl Andrea
at the Spotted Cow

Day 365:  Ending an INCREDIBLE growth year with reaching
a HUGE business goal :)

This daily gratitude practice has completely shifted my existence and has brought me so many blessings!   This has definitely become a regular practice for me permanently!  By focusing on what I am grateful for everyday, instead of what went wrong or what I wish I could change, I have an amazing energy present in my life :)  I highly recommend this practice for everyone!


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