Thursday, February 12, 2015


So I had this vision in my mind of recovering at home and while I was recovering, I'd write all these wonderful blog posts .... not so much!  The last thing I've felt like doing is blogging!  I've been really tired, drained and reading makes me even more tired.  I'm starting to get on the computer a little more and more but I still can't do a ton.  So basically blogging during recovery has so far been an epic fail!
That's ok though, what I have succeeded in is listening to my body and giving it what it needs to heal.  I've been resting and eating quite a bit - hey it's hard work to grow a liver and takes lots of energy!

One thing I have been thinking a lot about is other donors and their journey.  I have connected with so many amazing donors from all over the country, all have had very different experiences.  I know that my experience could have been far different if I were not a healthy lifestyle coach.  I went into this surgery, the healthiest I could possibly be mind, body & spirit!  I worked on my core and endurance before heading into this.  I also managed my stress and anxiety with things like:  Meditation, Reiki, body work, reading and connecting with nature.  I can't even fathom going into this surgery not healthy!  I knew it would be a long road after but I was physically and mentally ready for it!

I was also ready to see what doors this opened for me.  I strongly believe that our greatest lessons and growing sessions come from our hardest obstacles.  I just knew that this would open more doors for me, I just didn't know how or what.  I'm starting to see a reason I was called to do this (other than to save my step fathers life of course).  I already know that I was put on this planet to help as many people as possible live the best lives they possibly can.  Now I see even more doors opening to people that need more help ... donors and recipients of transplants!  I want to help as many people as possible head into surgery as strong as they can possibly be, physically and mentally.  I also want to help people post surgery, get back on their feet!
I now have first hand experience on just what it takes to get through transplant surgery, as painless as possible.  Sure there will still be pain and obstacles, but the healthier you are the better!
I am currently 2 weeks post liver transplant and have gotten a clean bill of health.  Not only that but I am pretty much pain free and can fly back to Seattle anytime I want to.  I have no doubt, this speedy recovery has everything to do with my health and positive mindset!
I can help you too!  Reach out to me so we can chat about your journey!  I'd love to meet you and learn more about you.  You can reach me at or 

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