Friday, February 27, 2015

Celebrating and Down and Out at the Same Time!

Yes a funny title I know but that's exactly how I'm feeling these days!  I'm celebrating a significant date, yet feeling totally down and out all at the same time! 

Let's start off with what I'm celebrating!  So many of you have been following my organ donor journey and yesterday marked a big date. It was the one month mark since the surgery.  I did a lot of reflecting yesterday on all that has happened in one month and it's just astonishing!  Honestly the surgery feels like it was just yesterday and at the same time months ago, if that makes any sense.  I can remember every detail so clearly, which makes it feel so recent.  However, when you are going through something major like this, you are forced to slow WAY down and take minute baby steps.  You celebrate every small thing you accomplish, which are the very things we take for granted like:  Being able to stand up on your own, being able to walk on your own, being able to go to the bathroom without assistance, etc.  It's these tiny moments that all add up and make it feel like it was months ago that all of this transpired.  One month ago, I donated part of my liver to save my step fathers life.  One month ago, I embarked on the scariest, yet most significant, journey of my life.  One month ago, I found out how much strength and courage I had.  One month ago, I risked my life to save a person I love.

It was also my first time having major surgery so I had no idea what to expect, recovery wise.  I spent many months meeting many donors and hearing their stories.  Every story was different but one theme was very common - The healthier you are going in, the better and the more positive you can be the better.  This always gave me a lot of comfort because these two things I've got on lock!  I've been a healthy lifestyle coach, for three years now and I've completely transformed mind, body & spirit.  I have finally understood the magnitude of my transformation.  Not only did it change my health & my life, it also put me on a path to finding my passion to help others and is allowing me to live a life I had never even dreamt of!  Most importantly it prepared me for my greatest calling yet.  3 years ago I never would have been cleared to be a live organ donor, mentally or physically.  I now know I have been training for the biggest event of my life and something that was so much bigger then what I was envisioning.  I think it's because of my mindset and health that I have recovered so quickly.  I took one day at a time, was patient and gentle with myself and listened to my body.  I would say within 2 weeks I was pain free and in 3 weeks I was flying back to Seattle.  I continue to see progress daily and I take time to recognize it, not matter how small it is.  It will be awhile before I'm back into my old workouts but that doesn't bother me.  I'll start slow and before I know it, I'll be stronger than I was before :)

Now some of you are probably saying "what is there to be down and out about then?"  Well as many of you know, I was SO careful when I went home to Michigan not to get sick.  I didn't go out anywhere, I was careful of who I exposed myself too, did not see many people post surgery, wore a mask flying home, sanitized my area, etc.  I was super careful and within 1 week of being back in Seattle, I got sick.  Pre-surgery my health routine really kept me on track and I rarely ever get sick.  Even when I do, I get over it really quickly but not this time.  Since a large amount of my energy is going towards regenerating my liver and my immunity is down, it's kicking my butt big time.  Many of you have reached out to me because I haven't been as present on social media or even updating my blog ... this is why.  I have felt so drained and beyond exhausted.  Plus I've been doing a lot of sneezing and coughing, which really is no fun with my incision and abdominal healing.  I've been doing as much resting as I can and pumping fluids, vitamins and healthy food.  I'm limited on the amount of things I can ingest, in both over the counter meds and/or herbal remedies while my liver is regenerating, but I have a few things I'm taking.  Just have to wait and let it run it's course.

Thanks for all of your concern and wishes.  I appreciate every one of you!  Please continue to send me some good mojo and positive healing vibes so I can kick this cold once and for all!

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