Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Trip is booked - it's almost surgery time!

My trip home for the surgery is officially booked!  I leave Seattle on January 11th to head home for what will be the beginning of a series of life changing events!
I was speaking with my aunt last week and she recommended I call Delta and ask if they would allow me to pay a round trip price but leave my return open ended.  I was planning on booking a one way ticket home and then returning home when I felt up to it.  However, since the surgery is in January, the ticket prices will only go up heading into February.  Plus I was a little nervous about having to pay extra fees in case the surgery is changed for any reason.  I figured, hey why not!  I'll give Delta a call and see what they say.

I explained the situation to a super nice lady and let me just tell you what proceeded to happen completely blew me away.  They were totally awesome!!  She was determined to help me.  She looked through all of her rules and regulations to figure out exactly what they could do for me.  When it was all said and done I received:  A discounted flight, I paid no booking fees, they placed a waiver on my account in case I have to change the dates and they gave me a free upgrade to economy plus on my return trip to make sure I was as comfortable as possible.
Just another amazing act of kindness and generosity I've experienced since starting this journey. Before we hung up she said to me, "I just want you to know that we think what you're doing is absolutely incredible and I know it's not much but this was the least we could do!  You are a hero!"  Again I was immediately humbled ... I'm not sure I'll ever be comfortable with that word but was completely grateful for her kind words and generosity. 

January - here we come!!!
Oh and fly Delta people :)

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