Friday, December 12, 2014

Hear my Story at the Seattle Super Saturday

More blessings are coming my way :)  Super Saturday is an awesome event that is held quarterly in my business.  They are held all over the country and they are super motivational events.  It's a great place to meet incredible, positive people.  You'll hear the most amazing, inspirational stories you could imagine.  We hear upcoming news and events and we get in a free, awesome group workout!
Our next event is January 10th and I was just informed that they will be bringing me up on stage, to be interviewed by Super Star Coach, Jimmy Hayes Nelson.  Jimmy is incredibly motivational and was also featured in the Insanity and PiYo workouts.

I don't have a doubt in my mind that making the decision to become a coach, gave me the tools I needed to be able to get through my biggest journey yet, the journey to become a live organ donor.  Three years ago, I was in a very different place!  I was at the very top of my BMI, a smoker, lived an unhealthy lifestyle, was very stressed, didn't believe in myself and held myself back with horrible self talk.  On the outside, I appeared really strong but on the inside I beat myself up horribly. 

My journey started by making the decision that I didn't want to feel the way I felt anymore.  By saying enough is enough!  I plugged into the most amazing system I had every been apart of!  For the first time ever I had the perfect combination of fitness, nutrition and support and I started to change my life.  Once I realized that I was changing my life, the decision to become a coach was pretty easy.  I wanted to pay it forward and help as many people as I could!  I had no idea just what an impact that decision would make!

For the first time, I was exposed to personal development and investing in myself.  I was exposed to what was possible when you love and respect yourself.  I was surrounded by positive people that motivated me and lifted me up higher than I could have imagined.  Since becoming a coach I have learned how to let go of control and walk with faith, I have learned how to work on myself and let others live their own lives, I have learned what a positive mindset can really do, I have learned that failure is welcomed and in fact should be sought out and I have learned that the more you give of yourself the more blessings will come your way.  Instead of smoking, drinking, partying and living a  life of destruction.  I now exercise regularly, eat healthy, meditate, do yoga and center my life around helping others live the best lives they possibly can! 

I have now been called for my biggest journey and that is to save a live by being a live liver donor.  I have no doubt in my mind that if I wouldn't have changed my lifestyle and found my peace, I would in no way be fit to answer this call!  I know that my anxiety would be off the charts and I would be a mess.  Instead I am calm, confident and grateful to be able to save the life of someone I care about.  I know that this will open many doors for me and allow me to reach more people who need my help.
I am so grateful and blessed to be living the life I am living and I want to share that feeling with as many people as possible :)

Anyone can attend Super Saturday and I would highly recommend it!  Guests are free and if you're a coach it's cheap and will pay itself back 10 fold! 

Here is the info for the Seattle event.  If you would like to attend - please let me know.
Date: January 10th
Time: 9AM-2PM
Details and tickets:

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