What does it mean to be a health/fitness/motivational coach

So does what I do look fun or interesting to you?  Are you wondering, "What exactly does a health/motivational coach do?"  Are you looking for "more" out of life?  Are you feeling like corporate America is no longer the place for you?  Do you want to have more time and freedom to do the things you love? 

I can definitely relate to all of that and can tell you with confidence .... there is more a lot more!  There is no rule or law saying you shouldn't like what you do and you should keep doing it!  Life is short and you should find something you love to do everyday!  Something that adds value to your life and pushes you to grow into a better person. 

Coaching and supporting others does not require previous experience or certifications.  What you do need is the desire to stay on track with your own health goals, the desire to help others live the best life they can possible live and the ability to dream big!

Team Aloha is the family you would be joining and it's just that ... family! 

Aloha comes from "Alo" meaning presence, front or face and "ha" meaning face.  The word literally means "the presence of breath" or "the breath of life." This is exactly what our team is doing… breathing life into this world!  We are a fast growing team and we work together and support one another!  We have a wonderful training program where you would learn everything you need to know to successfully run your own coaching business!  As your mentor, I would be there to guide you ever step of the way!

I joined Team Aloha back in the Fall of 2012.  I joined my first challenge group in March of 2012 and really got results and started to love what I was doing so I became a coach.  My coach is not only my coach but she is my long time friend, mentor and success partner.  Together we are working to make Team Aloha the best it can be and help as many people as possible in the process!  She pushes me to be my best and always has my back.  This is what's it's all about - finding your passion and receiving support and motivation in reaching the goals you're setting.  I'm grateful for Team Aloha and my coach Marissa Meyers!
Here are our requirements to join Team Aloha as an active coach
1)  Have a minimum of 5-10 hours to devote to starting and running your business
2)  Be interested in the health and fitness field
3)  Have a love of helping others
4)  Are self motivated and driven
5)  Are teachable
* You DO NOT have to have a background in health/fitness or be in what you consider to be "great shape" to be a coach!  In fact, if you have weight to lose don't let that hold you back from thinking you can't inspire others!  Just through sharing your story and your journey, you can inspire others to want to try!

Are you still interested in learning more?  I always say "Better to have all the information so you can make an informed decision!"  Let's chat and determine if coaching is for you!  Click on the link below, fill out the form and I'll be in touch!

Success Stories ...

*Mindy and her family were struggling in a small town - until she found the coaching opportunity and now she's turned it all around!  Check out Mindy's story.

*Nicole was a stay at home mom that was tired all of the time but knew she needed to do something about her health!  Her husband was the only one brining home the any money so when she kept seeing all of these testimonials about P90X she knew she couldn't afford it!  But her coach helped her learn how to pay for it in full in just one month's time.  Learn how Nicole did it!

*David was an overweight dad when he stumbled upon P90X.  Now he's super fit, healthy and has built and coaching empire.  She how David did it!

*Craig was an active dad until a spinal injury left him immobile.  See how not only lost weight and regained mobility, but it also provided him an additional income that opened up amazing doors for him!  Watch Craig's awesome story here! 

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