Thursday, January 22, 2015

Dance for a Healthy Heather Monday!

Hi everyone,
As you know, this coming Monday the 26th, I will be heading in for transplant surgery.
I will be donating half of my liver to my step father :)
I have to check into the hospital at 6am and before hand my sister, mom and myself will be having one last dance party at 5AM!
I want to radiate love and happiness heading into that hospital and what better way to do that then a good dance session!
But I have an even better idea .... I want all of YOU to dance too!!! So wherever you are on Monday morning when you get up, dance it out for me!! What a way to celebrate saving a life and starting this epic journey!!
I know I will receive so much positive energy from all of your dancing :)

So here's what you do:
* Monday when you wake up, grab a partner or dance it out solo style!
* Take a photo or video, post it to FB and tag me in it :)

Who's in?

To get added to the event page, please add me as a friend on Facebook at and shoot me a message to tell me you want to dance!!

It's my goal to get Ellen Degeneres involved .... well because she's my fav :)  Spread the word! 

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