Thursday, January 8, 2015

Final blood draw .... take 2!

After going to the lab a few weeks ago, for what I thought was my final big blood draw before the surgery, I found out was really just a dress rehearsal.  After my blood draw, I actually didn't have the best reaction.  They sent me a package in the mail with everything I needed to collect the blood, overnight  itback and all of the paperwork needed .... well so we thought!  
I not only had to get blood drawn for my upcoming surgery, but I also had to have blood drawn for my regular Dr. as well.  I decided instead of going twice, I would just knock everything out in one trip.  I had to fast for one set of the blood work so I went in the in the AM.  It ended up being 8 vials they needed and they said that  was a lot after fasting. 
As the day progressed, I started to feel some side effects like:  Drained, achy, foggy and could not regulate my temperature for a few days. Once I finally started to feel stable again, my transplant coordinator called and said there was a paperwork snafu and I had to do it over .... sigh.  This time I didn't have to fast though so I wasn't too worried about it.  I guess this is still the easy part right?  So back to the lab!

This time they only had to draw 4 vials and I didn't have any kind of side effects.  Being overnighted to Detroit with love :)  I've given more blood over the past 3 months then in my lifetime!  Amazing how the body can regenerate and heal itself.  To know that you can remove half an organ and have it completely regenerate itself is fascinating to me.  Even more a reason to donate!

Haven't gotten any calls yet that there are any issues with this sample so here's hoping all is good!  One week from Sunday I'll be flying home to start this epic journey!  Be sure to follow along :)

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