Saturday, January 3, 2015

Which is better? Kale vs Spinach

I often get asked by my clients, "Which do you feel is better - spinach or kale? 

Both greens are bursting with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants!  Leafy organic greens, are among the most nutrient dense veggies you can go for.  Even though Kale is winning the super food popularity contest right now, spinach is actually a more concentrated source of nutrients, nutritionists say.

Kale contains 10% of your daily needs for 7 different nutrients, whereas spinach packs 10% of your daily requirements for an impressive 18 vitamins and minerals, including energy- boosting iron, bone enriching calcium and folate, a key vitamin for women of child bearing age.  Plus, with 5 grams of protein in spinach versus 2 in kale, so you'll feel fuller longer.
Spinach Recipe
I really like my spinach with an Asian flare!  Here is a simple spinach recipe!

*Bring your water to a soft boil
* Put in spinach and just blanch it (you will see it start to wilt and turn bright green).  This should only take 1-2 mins or so. 
* Remove and put in ice bath to stop cooking
* If you have a salad spinner use it and get as much moisture out of the spinach as you can.  If you do not have one, you will need to do this by hand.  You can use paper towel.
* When it's as dry as you can get it, toss it with sesame oil and season with salt and pepper (I also use toasted onion granules and garlic granules)
* Add raw garlic to taste (1-3 cloves)

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