Saturday, January 24, 2015

T minus 2 days until surgery!

This may be my last blog post until post surgery.  Tomorrow we officially start preparing for the transplant on Monday morning. Our last meal will be breakfast and then we will be on a liquid diet for .... well awhile!  Then we have to start the fun part ..... the prep .... yuck!

I'll be starting the prep at home and John and mom will be heading to our apartment next to the hospital.  My sister, Holly, is going to pick me up after work and we'll head to the apartment together.

I would imagine tomorrow night is going to be interesting!  Being at the apartment, knowing the surgery is early the next morning .... I mean it's here!!  It's time!!  It's a little surreal to be honest.  I'm starting to feel some anxiety but nothing over the top.  I feel like, so far, I'm keeping it in check pretty good!  I've been meditating and doing yoga when I need to, which always helps.  

My mom and I were talking last night and I know she is nervous because she will be taking care of John and will not play an active role in my recovery.  I know that has her a little uneasy.  We were talking last night and I told her that one of her roles was to keep John's spirits up!  She looked at me and said, "who's going to keep your spirits up?"  I told her that I have an amazing army of supporters behind me and I would be just fine.  That's really how I feel!  I have had so many people reach out to send love and support .... it's just incredible!!  

We are both going to come through with flying colors I am certain of it :)  We are both in great hands!
I'm ready to get this going and start the healing process.  

Time to save a life!

I will most likely not be updating my blog until I feel well enough.  If you want to follow the updates on my progress, the days following the surgery, you can send me a friend request at

See you all on the other side!!  Don't forget to dance it out Monday morning where ever you are! If you're on FB, please tag me in the post :)

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