Monday, February 2, 2015

I'm baaaaaaack!

Well my liver transplant surgery was one week from today and I'm feeling blessed on so many levels.  The surgery went well for both myself and my stepfather, although he definitely has a long road ahead of him.  After the surgery, he was in ICU for a few days and I went straight to recovery.  It was really great when he finally came to the recovery wing because we were right down the hall from each other.  We took walks together, visited each other, watched our shows and shared Italian Ice treats.  It was really awesome having someone there who knew exactly what I was feeling and going through and we were able to support each other.

I would say that the first 4 days were the most challenging pain wise.  I was up walking the day after the surgery and I find that's what helps most.  I would say by day 3, I could at least get up in the middle of the night and stand next to my bed on my own so I could stretch out a bit.  Nights are still the most challenging because you get pretty tight and I'm also having back spasms.  I will say though, taking small steps forward everyday.

I have no doubt in my mind that going into this healthy and positive has played a crucial role in my recovery!  I can't imagine going into this surgery with a weak core.  Everyone is really impressed with my progress and I'm pleased as well.  The goal is to be ready to head back home to Seattle by the 17th.  I have my follow up visit on the 11th and we'll see what my Dr. says.

I want to take a moment to shine a light on the real heroes, which are ALL of the people at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit!  AMAZING is the word that comes to mind.  Never did I feel like I was a number or just a patient.  They literally treated me like family and bent over backwards for me.  My surgeon Dr. Abouljoud is just an incredible human being.  He cares so much about everything he is doing and it shows.  I'll never forget being wheeled into the operating room and having him hold my hand, assure me that everything was going to go awesome and  tell me he was right here for me.  That treatment did not stop once I got to recovery.  The nurses on my floor were beyond spectacular and I left that wing with many friends.  I just can't speak highly enough about this program and all of the people involved. 

I also have to take a moment to talk about the mind blowing love and support I've received from friends, family members and people that don't even know me.  To those of you who have contributed to my Go Fund Me page, participated in the Dance for a Healthy Heather and have sent me awesome messages, I can't tell you how much it means to me and how much it has helped me get through this.  I literally feel like I have an army behind me.
The biggest of thanks goes to my family because they are just so awesome!!!  They all surrounded me and John and have supported us on so many levels.  A HUGE shout out to my sister Holly who has really stepped up and has been my rock through this.  She has been right there to help me with everything I need and to help keep me calm.  Sis you are my bestie and I love you with all my heart!!

Another massive shout out goes out to my Aunt Mary and Uncle Terry who have taken me in and are pampering me through my recovery.  It feels great to be out of the hospital with no more wires or tubes, able to shower and eating good food!  I love and appreciate you guys so much!!  Here is my first night home, after my first shower in 6 days and eating my first meal at home!! Talk about heaven :)

 Now that I am continuing to feel better, I will be back on my computer and updating my progress more.  Feel free to follow along right here on my blog or head over to my Facebook page, where I have been documenting my entire journey!
Again thank you for all of the love and support!  I would not be here without all of you :)

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