Success Stories

My story ....

I've lost close to 40lbs, have more energy then I've ever had, eliminated my digestive issues, doing workouts I never thought I was capable of, I'm sleeping better, my memory has improved .... I could keep going!  Being healthy has so many awesome benefits :)
"My journey with Heather and the Beach Body family began about a year ago. I had just had a baby and was having a hard time accepting that my body was "never going to be the same" again. I wanted to work out but living in a new city and having an infant when was I to go to the gym?   Lack of time coupled with little sleep left me feeling exhausted with little motivation.

I decided to join a challenge group because at least I could work out at home and learn some things about health along the way! Plus I wanted to fit into my old jeans!!

I was excited about the work outs, Turbofire, but didn't really know what to think about Shakeology. It felt good to work out again and I noticed my energy level growing and my waist line shrinking. I started to notice less cravings for sweets and unintentionally stopped drinking coffee. I didn't need it and I felt great!

Now I have a 14 month old son and am healthier and more fit than I was before I got pregnant.  I have never felt better wearing a bikini!  This program works because you are able to do it at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. There is no feeling inadequate at the gym or rushing to make it to class on time. Heather is an amazing support she is there when you need here and if you want to be more independent she lets you. If you have a question about anything she will answer it or find the answer for you. Plus she shares great information that will help you transform your life without overwhelming you.

Being able to work out when my son is napping is perfect for me and I know so many other busy moms who would benefit from this format. As far as Shakeology is concerned, to me it really is AMAZING! I feel great. I have energy, hardly any cravings for sweets and literally crave putting those yummy nutrients into my body each day. I don't know that everyone will have the same results from it but I would encourage everyone to try it for a month and see. It took about 2 weeks for me to really feel the changes.

I would also encourage everyone to have Heather as your coach. I promise you she will motivate you and never make you feel inadequate. She is so positive and my days are better because I interact with her."

Amanda Podgorny


"The picture on the left = me at my sister’s wedding not even a year ago. I was struggling to lose the rest of my baby weight (after #2), trying to find time to get to the gym, getting bored with my treadmill workout, and lacking the knowledge on proper nutrition besides the basics. That’s when I was told about Team... Beachbody. To tell you the truth, I was very hesitant. You mean, I have to have discipline to do it on my own? Won’t I get bored and just find excuses? But then I realized that it was no different than my situation at that time. However, with Beachbody, I was given a coach and a great accountability group – two things that I didn’t have on a daily basis with my existing “fitness” plan. These fun but challenging workouts gave me, a busy working mom of two little boys, the flexibility to workout when I wanted (and when I had the time) and I was done within 45 minutes and never had to leave the house! That paired with my support from my accountability group, people like Heather Dalton who care about helping people get healthy and Shakeology, my life as totally changed."
~Sarah Cohen

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