Monday, December 30, 2013

Success Club 5 All Star

So today I reached a HUGE milestone in my coaching career and it feels surreal to be honest with you!  I made Success Club 5 All star!  Now for those of you who have no clue what that means, let me explain a little.  Every month in my business my goal is to help as many people as possible get on a good path to improving their health.  We have a way to accrue points for helping others improve their health by replacing one meal per day with Shakeology and/or joining an accountability group to work on their health and fitness.  When we collect a certain number of points, we make what we call success club.  So what does it mean to be a Success Club 5 All Star then?  Well this means that I have made success club every single month in the year 2013!  So what does this really signify to me?  This tells me that I have helped SO many people this year get on the path to living a healthier life!  This tells me that a lot of people have trusted me in helping them reach their health and fitness goals!  It tells me that I have worked really hard, been consistent and I am succeeding in moving my business forward!  For all of you entrepreneurs out there, I'm sure you can relate with me when I say starting your own company is not easy!  It takes a lot of patience, dedication, time and above all else the ability to fail forward!  What does that mean?  It means taking your failures and turning them into lessons that will make you and your business stronger! It means not giving up on your dreams NO MATTER WHAT!  There were many challenging moments this year and times when I didn't know if I could do it and thought about quitting.  I just kept believing in myself and pushing through each obstacle that was put in front of me.  It's easy to lose sight of all you have accomplished when you are in the thick of it.  However, when I look back at all I had to overcome and the HUGE steps I made this year, even I'm impressed with myself!  I did a lot of really hard work and laid the ground work to have an EXPLOSSIVE 2014!  So excited for the future :) 

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