Friday, December 27, 2013

Get Back on Track!

You hear about this so many times after the holiday season, "Help, how do I get back on track?"  Sometimes after a few months of over indulging and slacking a bit on your workouts, it can be hard to find your groove again!  Here are some steps to getting back into the swing of things again!

1.  Get back to your activity!  If you're finding it hard to jump back into your workout program or going to the gym, then try something new and make it fun!  The week after Christmas many families have off so include the whole family and make it fun!  If you live in north or on the east coast don't let the weather be an excuse this time of year! You can go sledding and race up the hill, go ice skating or go to an indoor trampoline park or activity center of some sort.  If you live in the west or south and have more options then definitely get outside and bike, walk, hike, etc!  You can even just crank the tunes in your home and have a dance party!  Dancing is awesome exercise and always boosts your mood as well :)

2. Get your eating back to a routine schedule - I highly recommend eating a small meal/snack every 3-4 hours.  Balancing all of those meals/snacks with healthy carbs (fruits/veggies), healthy fats (avocado, almonds, olive oil), and lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish, beans, quinoa).  Balancing your meals with all three of these components, allows you to stabilize your blood sugar keeping you free of those dreaded crashes. 

3.  Get in your liquids!  Nothing boosts your energy better then re-hydrating!  Start your day everyday with a cup of green tea and then hit the water!  Aim to drink half of your body weight in ounces daily!  This may seem like a lot at first and may mean extra trips to the restroom, but your body will regulate and that will subside after about 3 days.  Water will help to keep the elasticity in your skin, keeping your skin as young looking as possible too!

4.  Accountability is key!  I always say the more accountability the better!  Share your goals with  your family, friends and co-workers.  Ask for their support in reaching your goals and tell them what you need from them.  If they are typically bringing you treats, then ask them not to do that.  If you need someone to watch the kids so you can workout, then talk to your partner or friend and ask for help!  If you need someone to workout with to keep you interested, then ask around because I guarantee that you know someone who needs the exact same thing!  Seek out a group to keep you motivated!  My next accountability group starts on January 6th and is designed to offer support, accountability, nutritional assistance and motivation!  You can join from anywhere!  Comment below or fill out the "What are your Goals?" form and I'll contact you!

5.  Get rid of the sweets!   The holidays are over!  There is no rule saying you have to finish every piece of chocolate, candy, cake or sweet you were given!  Get rid of it!!!  You're fooling yourself and self sabotaging by keeping it in the house.  Even small munching though the day adds up to a lot of unwanted calories!  Don't be afraid to just throw it away!  Obesity is an epidemic and we are not in shortage of sweets and items loaded with sugar!  If you don't want to do that then find a place to unload it.  Take it to work, give it to friends, give it to you postal worker, etc.  Whatever you do just get it out of the house!

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