Super Food Meal Replacement

What is Shakeology?  Well to put it very simply it contains ALL 9 of your daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables and contains over 70 of the healthiest herbs and super foods on the planet!  So what does this mean for you?
* Weight loss
* Reduce cravings
* Improve your digestion and regularity
* Increase energy and stamina
* Improve sleep patterns
* Lower high blood pressure and cholesterol
* Improve memory
* KEEP weight off!

So I bet you're thinking so what's in this stuff??  Well I invite you to take a journey around the world with me where we take a look at some of the powerful ingredients in Shakeology and where they came from!

* Sacha Inchi ~ Tarapotp Peru
Sacha Inchi contains more immunity boosting vegetarian omega-3's than any other food on the planet!  Studies have shown that omega-3's help promote heart health and joint health, better memory, and mood health, while promoting a strong immune system.  That's not all it does though!  Sacha Inchi is naturally rich in protein and fiber, so it's a strong appetite controller - nature's diet.  Then it goes a step further by helping to speed your metabolism, so you burn calories more efficiently and rapidly.  It's easy to digest, then fully absorbed by your body, so it all goes to work right away too.  Sacha Inchi was an ancient Incan staple, but was lost to time.  The hardy perennial was only recently rediscovered in 2005, and it's remarkable concentration of health promoting components caught everyone's attention. 
* Astragalus Root - Yangshuo Region China
The astragalus plant is actually a cousin of the pea family, with more than 2,000 varieties.  In China, they've used it before the time of Christ for therapeutic healing.  The tell how it helps strengthen the immune system, increasing energy and vitality, and helps keep you young for what seems like forever.  It also helps strengthen muscle mass, improve your metabolism, circulation and breathing, while it helps speed healing too! 
 * Papain - Central Costa Rica
Papain is the enzyme produced by the papaya.  Enzymes speed up good chemical reactions in your body.  The fruit itself is packed with benefits including:  It's loaded with Beta-Carotene, Folate, Potassium, and Magnesium.  It's antioxidants team with its abundance of Vitamin C to help protect your cells, warding off the harmful molecules present in pollution and second-hand smoke.  Yet Papain goes a step further, starting with its soothing effect on digestion.  It has been used for centuries in Central America as a natural remedy for indigestion, ulcers, fevers, and swelling.  Even for insect bites (wasps, bumblebees, mosquitoes) and sea stings (jellyfish and rays), since it breaks down toxins.  That's why doctors use it in the US for some detox programs, and to help promote healthy wound healing. 

 * Wild Grasses - Western Canada
Wheatgrass - The juice from wheatgrass is high in chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, and potassiumChlorophyll helps to improve immune health and support detox in the body - starting with the blood stream.  Along with other components, it helps cleanse your system of impurities, which is an important component of the healing process.  A side benefit:  It can deodorize the body while helping to promote healthy metabolism and thyroid function for improved weight control and indigestionWheatgrass is loaded with numerous vitamins and other minerals, including 17 amino acids.  One of the most promising studies has suggested that wheatgrass may help chemo patients need less medication.   

Barley Grass - This juice powder has been used for centuries to help problems with the skin, liver, blood, and digestive tract.  In Asia, Barley tea is a well known fever remedy.  And a recent study in Europe showed that barley may help regulate blood sugar.  It's 18 amino acids (including 8 essential) complement significant amounts of vitamins and minerals:  potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorous, manganese, zinc, beta carotene, and vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, B-9 and C.
Oat Grass - This juice powder has a calming effect on the nerves, helps promote healthy sleep, and can help relieve water retention.  It's useful in numerous therapies for joints, muscles, and bones, and eating oats is a well known way to promote healthy cholesterol levels - which may reduce your risk of heart disease.  Oat grass is also a superb source of protein.  Oats are rich in vitamins, minerals, and all essential amino acids.  Plus, if your kids have the chicken pox, a bad rash, sunburn, or get into poison ivy, we put them straight into an oatmeal based bath.
Kamut - is actually a branded, specialized type of certified organic Khorasan Wheat, discovered by an American in Egypt about 60 years ago.  It's high in selenium (crucial for cell activity in your body), as well as protein and other essentials for high energyZinc, thiamin, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E, and complex carbs.  Because it's an ancient grain (not modified by modern agriculture methods), its nutritional content is more robust than other most other grains.  It's low oxidation levels mean it doesn't lose much nutritional content when it's processed.  
* Amaranth - Discover the whole grain goodness of amaranth. This tiny “grain”—actually a seed—has a rich history dating back 8,000 years, when it was first cultivated in Mesoamerica. The ancient Aztecs relied on amaranth as a food staple and used it in religious rituals, earning it the names “super grain of the Aztecs” and “golden grain of the gods.”Amaranth is a gluten-free food and a source of complete protein—it contains all the essential amino acids, including lysine, which is lacking in most grains. High in fiber and a good source of magnesium and iron, Amaranth is a spectacular addition to your diet. This little powerhouse is perfect for gluten free and vegan diets.
If you like gardening, try planting a few amaranth seeds in your yard. The amaranth flower is truly breathtaking. Don’t plant too many, however, or you may see your garden become an amaranth crop.
*Schisandra - Schisandra or schizandra is the dehydrated mature fruits of a herb known as Schisandra chinensis and belongs to the Schisandraceae family. Although this vine is indigenous to China, this is one of the old herbal medicines raised from the oblivion by the American herbal medicine industry. Ancient Chinese described the herb as a stimulant, astringent, antiseptic and many other things. They have used schisandra traditionally to heal various ailments, and lately Chinese physicians have begun to apply schisandra as a remedy for hepatitis. A number of scientific researches conducted on the herb have revealed its active ingredients that are known to have liver-protective properties.  They have hailed the herb as an effective ‘adaptogen', a mediator that helps in enhancing the body's defiance against diseases, anxiety and stress, and weaknesses as well as many other devastating physical conditions. Now scientists as well as physicians emphasize that ‘schisandra is highly beneficial in enhancing energy levels, refill and nurture the viscera, perk up eyesight, improve the activities of the muscles and also influence the energy cells throughout the body'. Among other things, schisandra is also claimed to be beneficial against premenstrual disorder. It is also said to be helpful in arousing immune protection, facilitate recuperation after surgeries, add stability to body functions, regulate the body mechanisms, shield against radiation and infections, protect against motion sickness, stabilize the blood sugar and blood pressure, provide additional energy during anxiety and tensions as well as improve the vigor. The herb also has beneficial effects in lowering cholesterol levels, protection from diseases, invigorate the RNA-DNA molecules to reconstruct cells, enhance the fitness of the adrenals as well as generate power in the body.
While quinoa is usually considered to be a whole grain, it is actually a seed, but can be prepared like whole grains such as rice or barley. Of all the whole grains, quinoa has the highest protein content, so it's perfect for vegetarians and vegans. Quinoa provides all 9 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. Quinoa is a gluten-free and cholesterol-free whole grain, is kosher for Passover, and is almost always organic.Culinary ethnologists will be interested to know that quinoa was a staple food for thousands of years in the Andes region of South America as one of just a few crops the ancient Incas cultivated at such high altitude.
* Goji Berry
Also known as the Wolfberry plant, is not only rich in vitamins and minerals; it is also a source of natural proteins. It is more popular amongst women due to the anti ageing properties present in it. This means that it is a very rich and the most pure and natural ingredient against senescence. Apart from reducing the various signs of getting older like wrinkles and dark spots, it also provides a sparkling glow to the skin. Not to forget that all these changes are a result of increased metabolism and blood purification. Moreover, it increases blood circulation which further results in better liver functioning and increased eye sight (it reduces eye sight related problems and increases the sighting power). The rich source of proteins inside the berry also affects hair and makes it silky, strong, and rich and reduces the problems like dryness and splits naturally.
 Other than its beauty related uses; it is also useful for the other body and mind related problems. Goji berry juice is highly recommended and helpful for people who suffer from various sleep disorders like insomnia. The various natural ingredients directly alter the functioning of the central nervous system that reduces stress, anxiety and increases memory. The natural memory boosters on one hand make the brain sharper and on the other hand reduced anxiety alters the improper sleep patterns and induces proper and timely sleep. It is a natural energy drink that also offers remedial solutions to sexual problems like infertility and improper erection.
* Camu-Camu
Camu camu is a low-growing shrub that produces a lemon sized, light orange to purplish red fruit with yellow pulp. This fruit is packed with more natural vitamin C than any other food source recorded on the planet, in addition to beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, iron, niacin, phosphorus, protein, serine, thiamin, leucine, and valine. These powerful phytochemicals and amino acids have a surprising range of therapeutic effects. Camu camu has astringent, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, emollient and nutritional properties.

Benefits of Camu-Camu: Vitamin C - more than any other food (1/2 teaspoon of powder provides more than 400% the Daily Value!), strengthens immune system, high in anti-oxidants, balances Mood - effective and safe antidepressant, supports optimal function of nervous system including eye and brain functions, provides arthritic protection by helping reduce inflammation., anti-viral, anti-hepatitic - protects against liver disorders, including liver disease and liver cancer, effective against all forms of the Herpes virus (i.e. Epstein-Barr, Mononucleosis, cold sores, etc.)
Camu-Camu Powder is about 15% Vitamin C by weight. In comparison to oranges, camu-camu provides 30-50 times more vitamin C, ten times more iron, three times more niacin, twice as much riboflavin, and 50% more phosphorus.

So these are just some of the amazing ingredients in Shakeology but where does your 9 servings of fruits and vegetables come in?  Click this what's in Shakeology link to find out more.

Not only are you getting the most pure ingredients, but you are helping to give back to communities that need your help all over the world.  Supporting communities that need assistance and offering the highest quality product available is what Shakeology is all about.  Watch this video and see where these amazing ingredients come from!

So what do all of these amazing ingredients come together to provide for you?  Take a look at how Shakeology can work for you!

As if all of the health benefits aren't enough, Shakeology comes with a bottom of the bag guarantee! What does this mean for you?  This means you can replace one meal per day with Shakeology for 30 days and if you're not satisfied for any reason, you can return the empty bag for a full refund!  Now come on who does that these days!!

Tip when ordering:
*Make sure when you place your order you leave it on auto-ship/home direct.  This means your Shakeology will ship automatically to you every month.  It also means that you will pay $2 for shipping as opposed to $15!!  You can cancel your auto-ship at anytime by e-mailing your request to or by calling at 1-800-240-0913.

How to order:
Go to my blog home screen and click the shop tab.  That will direct you to my website.  Click shop and Shakeology and you will be directed to pick your flavor. 

Once you get your Shakeology here are some tips on how to make the best shake!
* Shakeology is intended to be made in a blender
* You will be adding 1 cup of liquid and play with what you add because each liquid changes the   texture.  Try using:  Water, milk, almond milk, soy milk, hemp dairy substitute, etc.
* The more ice you add the thicker it will be (unless you are drinking the Vegan flavors in which case those will be thinner in consistency)
* If you don't love the first shake you make, keep playing with it!!  That's why it comes with so many delicious recipes and flavors.  It will come with a recipe calendar each month but you can also go to the Team Beachbody website and find tons of recipes.  Change it up and keep it fun!  Click here for more Shakeology recipe ideas!


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