Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas in Washington

This was my first Christmas in 33 years away from Michigan and my family.  We moved to Washington State in July of this year and so this holiday was definitely a new experience!  My holiday traditions have always been amazing but have also left me feeling rather busy as well.  This year we had the opportunity to do whatever we want and we took full advantage!  We started off Christmas Eve volunteering at the Pike Place Food Bank, handing out food to those less fortunate.  It was an amazing way to kick off the holiday season.  I am so grateful for all of the blessings in my life and it makes me feel really great to give back whenever I can.  We worked for about 4 hours, helped close to 300 people and met some really wonderful volunteers.

After that we went shopping at Pike Place Market for the ingredients for our Christmas Dinner.  In embracing our new home in the Pacific Northwest, we wanted to choose a dish based here.  Nothing says Pacific Northwest like Seafood Cioppino!  So we got some muscles, shrimp, crab, halibut and baby scallops (that Lino ultimately forgot to put in) at the market and also grabbed some lunch too.  There is just something about being down at Pike Place and purchasing your fresh ingredients ... it's so cool!  After that we left the city and stopped to see Lino's parents and take them the zucchini bread I had made them.  His mom just loves it!

We went home to hang out with Marley for a bit, feed her and chill out before heading out again.  This time we headed into Bellevue and hit up our new favorite Asian spot for a Korean and sushi dinner.  The last stop of the day was the Botanical Gardens for the Tour D'lights.  Every year volunteers get together and set up these amazing, detailed light displays throughout the garden.  Then you walk through and check out all the lights.  They even have hot chocolate, cider and coffee too. 
We had the perfect Christmas Eve full of lots of fun and new experiences!

After being on the go all day for Christmas Eve, it was really nice to have a relaxing day at home planned for Christmas.  We got up and the first thing we did was make some tea and Skype with mom and John to open our gifts.  I really miss my mom this Christmas, but we both agree that Skyping helps a lot!  I can't believe my mom got me a Cuisinart and shipped it all the way here!  So excited to have one because this means I can finally make my own pasta!

We then called my sister and my dad to wish them a Merry Christmas.  Then it was time to hit the kitchen for a killer brunch.  On the menu:  Caprese scramble, roasted diced potatoes and onions and homemade scones.  I have to tell you guys, I'm a huge scone fan and I think these are by far the best ones I've ever had! 

After we had a full belly, Lino and I exchanged gifts with each other and relaxed watching movies the rest of the day ... it was awesome!  Then it was time for dinner and Lino got to work on the Cioppino.   The finished product was so delicious and a perfect, healthy, Pacific Northwest Christmas dish!

This was such an amazing past few days and the best first Christmas away from home I could have imagined :)


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