Saturday, December 21, 2013

If I can do it you can do it!

Can you believe this was me just a few short years ago??  Well let's be honest, this is how I spent most of my teenage years and my my adult life.  I was at the very top of my BMI for a number of years, I was exhausted all of the time, I didn't eat well or workout and the older I got the more it started to catch up with me.  I started to develop some bad digestive issues and really had to watch what I ate and drank carefully or I would have some painful issues and have to sleep propped up.  So fast forward to today and look at me now!  My how things have changed .....

In March of 2012, I was getting ready to turn 32 and had reached my breaking point.  I knew I needed to try something but didn't know what.  I was contacted by an old childhood and high school friend, Marissa and she was a fitness coach.  That was no surprise since I had always viewed her as someone being in excellent shape.  She wrote me asking her to join her challenge group and I ignored that email along with a few others out of straight up fear!!  I took one look at her and said "I don't know what she's doing but I do know I can't do that!"  After a few rounds, she finally convinced me to join my first challenge with a beginner program and that is where my journey began.  I started with what was an "easier" program that was still really hard for me and I also started replacing one meal per day with Shakeology.  After about 1 week, I started to feel way more energy from my shakes and kept getting a little farther in my workouts.  After about 1 month, I felt more comfortable with eating a little healthier and working out consistently.  I had lost some weight and inches but I wanted more!  I started an advanced program that the first time I saw thought "there is NO WAY I can do that!!"  For awhile I couldn't finish a workout but kept going and again kept getting better.  Before I knew it I was doing workouts I never thought I was capable of, 40 pounds lighter, feeling more energy then I had ever had and I have no completely changed my relationship with food, which is something I thought I could never do.  I am truly healthy for the first time in my life and not feeling enslaved by junk food anymore feels amazing!  I am so grateful for my accountability groups that keep me on track and give me the motivation I need to succeed.  I am also grateful for Shakeology because I have no doubt that its the biggest thing responsible for my amazing health transformation!  The biggest piece of advice I can give anyone looking to lose weight is to stop focusing on a size you want to be and start focusing on just being healthy.  Your body will just start to transform into what it was designed to be!  Don't be afraid of how long it is going to take you to reach your goals.  The longer you wait to start, the longer it will take to get there.  Just take one step at a time and you'll get there!
The New Year is a great way to start fresh!  If support and accountability is what you need, there still spots open in my New Year New You accountability group.  Stop yo-yo dieting and learn how to live a healthy life style once and for all!  Head on over the "What are your goals?" tab and fill out the questionnaire and I will get back with you after I review it!

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