Friday, December 20, 2013

3-Day Cleanse

Today I am starting the Shakeology 3-day Cleanse.  I've done this cleanse many times and it's really just a great mini tune up! 

I've had a lot of treats around my house, since I am into candy making around the holidays.  I bag it all up and hand it out as gifts but there is usually some munching involved.  This year I didn't like the amount of munching I was partaking in.  It just goes to show you how powerful sugar can be!  I don't eat too much of it on a normal basis but it doesn't take much at all to start craving it again!  It wasn't only the chocolates but it was some of the processed foods as well.  I have cut out most processed foods but some of my old favorites were graham crackers and pretzels and I had both in the house recently.  I found myself doing way more munching throughout the day then usual.  So note to self - can't have those things in the house! 
Don't set yourself up to fail!  Take things you know may trigger you negatively out of the house.  If it's not there you won't even have the choice to over indulge!  It made me very thankful of my new healthy habits and I'm happy to be back on track!  This is a difficult time of year so make sure you are set up with some accountability.  Even if your goal is to maintain over the holiday, have an accountability buddy.  It can be a spouse, partner, friend, family member, co-worker, etc.  Share your goals with that person, come up with a plan for events and share with that person when you're struggling.  If you need support and accountability and don't know where to find it, please reach out to me!

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