Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

I always feel like today, the last day of the year, is significant.  It's a day when I allow myself to sit down, look back and reflect on all that has happened over the year.  I tend to push myself pretty hard and I continue to set goals when I reach others and life can feel chaotic at times!  It's pretty easy to not see the whole picture when you're right in the thick of it!  When you're going through a process, often times the steps are smaller and noticeable over time and we may not see it on the day to day.  When I sit down and look at this past year including:  The ups & downs, learning opportunities, new adventures, big steps, pain & growth and everything in between .... well even I'm impressed with myself and that doesn't happen too easily lol! These past 2 years, in particular, have been life changing and life changing events come with lots of uncertainty.  When I take a look back now and look at all of the steps that have taken place, I'm just in awe and amazed.  The most challenging things that happened to me, opened the coolest doors!  2013 also brought another big dream of mine ... moving to a new state!  This was a big one because I had wanted to start a new adventure for so long.  Talking about it and actually doing it are two different things though and it has been a huge experience in my life!  I could not be more thrilled about the path I'm on .... I'm making it happen :)  For the first time in quite a few years, I am SO excited for this new year and feel with every ounce of my being that it's going to be MY year! 
So what do I want out of this year?  I don't necessarily make new years resolutions because to be honest with you, personal development is a part of my day everyday!  I do believe in setting goals and I will be setting my goals for the upcoming year.  I will do my professional & personal goals and then my fiancé and I will set goals for us as well.   I want to continue on the exact path that I'm on!  First up in the new year will be to become Piyo certified so I can start teaching some fitness classes in the Kirkland, WA area.  This will be a huge step outside of my comfort zone and this is the exact place I'm starting to become really comfortable because it's where the really cool stuff happens!  I will be continuing down my health path and learning more and more everyday to better myself.  This in return will enable me to help so many others transform into their healthiest form!  I will also be making volunteering and giving back a part of my normal routine.  I am looking forward to starting at The Boys and Girls Club right after the new year.  Volunteering has always made me feel so awesome and now that I have my own business, I can devote more time to this area regularly.
I have done all the foot work and personal development to have a crazy awesome 2014!!!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy new year!  Set yourself up to have an awesome year.  I challenge you to dedicate some time to giving back and helping others.  I promise you it will come back to you in so many positive ways :) 
* Please remember do not drink and drive tonight!  Walk, get a cab, designate a driver or stay put ... do what ya gotta do but be safe about it!

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