Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Piyo certification

So the first day of the new year already brings something exciting!  I am officially registered to become a certified Piyo instructor.  Piyo is a mix of yoga and Pilates, the biggest difference being you're in constant motion.  I never in my life imagined that I would be in the position to teach a fitness class!  Growing up I was never healthy and not very active so this is still pretty wild to me!  It's a huge step outside of my comfort zone and I'm pretty nervous but I'm ok with that.  I'm also really excited to start teaching classes so I can really get out into my new community and start helping others.  I also know that this class has a lot of what I personally need to continue to strengthen and heal from my accident.  I am really confident that this is what my body and mind needs to really start feeling better.   One of the reasons I was so nervous to take this step is because I'm not very flexible and I've felt pretty beat up since my car accident.  Then I remembered ... that's not what it's about.  It's about supporting others in their health journey and being there to motivate and inspire ... that I can do!  I tell my clients all the time not to compare themselves to where others are - just focus on improving upon your best so that's what I need to do.  I am heading into this new experience with an open heart and mind, excited to learn more skills I can use in my quest to help others!
The class is January 18th and is a one day, all day, certification.  It's really close to my house, which is cool.  From there I will be looking to start teaching Piyo classes in the Kirkland, WA area most likely this spring. Stay tuned for details ....

Company Logo
You’re on your way to Instructor Status! 
Thank you for purchasing PiYo Strength® Instructor Training. We know you're going to be absolutely inspiring!
Event Date: 1/18/2014
Event Location: ShakeItLatinStyle
Event City: Everett
Event State:  WA

Get ready for an exciting day! You're about to flex your teaching muscles and become part of an elite group of top instructors!

Here are some things to keep in mind when preparing for the event:
  • What to wear. Wear workout clothes. You may want to bring a towel and change of clothes for after the workout. It can get cold, so bring a sweatshirt too!
  • What to bring. Bring water and light, high-energy food or snacks. And, don't forget to grab a pen to take notes.
  • What to study. Review your PiYo Manual in advance to get a sneak peek into some of what we'll cover in training.
  • What to look out for. Don't forget to ask about VIP status! 

    Get ready to have some serious fun and learn the flowing and empowering movements that'll get your class sexy, flexy, and strong!
    We can't wait to see you there!
            The Beachbody Certification Team

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