Thursday, January 2, 2014

My vision for 2014

I've spent a lot of time over the last week reflecting on all of the goals I reached in 2013, the ones I fell short on, the ones that have changed and what I want my goals to be for the upcoming year.  I feel really great about the vision I have created for 2014!  I am moving in such a positive direction and I can't wait to see what the future holds.  I encourage you too to sit down and think about what you would really like to accomplish this year.  Pick a new place to travel too, read a new book, pick up a new hobby, start volunteering, join a new group ... step outside of that comfort zone!  Once you set your goals, make a dream or vision board.  I love doing one at the start of each new year because it allows me to tap into my creative side and create something to remind me of my goals everyday.  Make it fun - get the family involved!  You can do it the old fashioned way by getting a cork board, going through some magazines and clipping out things to bring your vision to life.  This is a great opportunity for you to determine what your loved ones goals are as well.  This year I tried something new and used Oprah's virtual dream board creator.  That's right you can go to and create your own dream board.  I included some  pictures, favorite quotes and logos.  I had so much fun doing this and can keep it as my desktop so I see it everyday.  Know where you want your life to go and make a plan to get there!  A dream board is a great visual reminder :)  Here is mine ...

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