Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Totally Epic Weekend

Last weekend was nothing short of epic!  We had our quarterly Super Saturday event, but this event was different for me.  Let me give you a little background ... Super Saturday is an event held by coaches on the same weekend across the country, 4 times per year.  Events range in size from as little as 5 people to 1,200+ people.  The events are filled with motivation, inspiration and lots of great information.  Not only that, but it's a great way to meet members of your local coaching family and I have met the most amazing people by attending these events.  Every time I leave, I'm just so inspired to want to live the best life I possibly can and help others do the same!

I remember back in July of 2012, when I had just moved to Seattle from Michigan.  I went to my first Super Saturday and I didn't know anyone.  The day before I moved, I had been in Vegas at our annual Summit conference.  Talk about motivation .... I left on fire to want to do more!  So when I was sitting there by myself at that first Super Saturday in Seattle, I made a promise to myself.  I promised myself that I was going to push myself outside of my comfort zone and start getting involved.  I made a goal right then and there to join the Seattle Market Council that puts on all of Super Saturday events.  The coaches on Market Council are really successful and known in the community.  I had no idea how I was going to make this happen, all I knew is I was going to.  This was the event that inspired me to want to get involved!

At each event after that, I got involved on some level whether it be to:  Donate items to the Shakeology booth, get there early to help set up, introduce myself to as many people as possible (especially market council members and corporate),helping run the Shakeology booth, posting my story on a board and at the last event even sharing my story via video.  After that event, I felt it was time to ask to join market council, so I emailed our corporate rep and asked to join.  I even sent her a visual resume if you will, of everything I had taken part of.  It took awhile to hear back, but she finally announced that I was officially being welcomed to the Market Council.  Just about 1 year to the date of when I set this goal.
This last event I played a big role in organizing.  I helped organize the volunteers and as a group we got a great head start.  Up until this time, we had been losing money on the events so our goal was to at least break even but of course would love to come out on top as well!  By working as a team and being organized, we were able to put together our biggest and best event yet!!  And yes we even came out $1,000 on top!  I am so proud to know that I am a big part of that turn around and know this can only help me in becoming a better leader for my organization!
There are 2 massive highlights I would like to share from this weekend!
1)  Attending my first Market Council dinner.  We all met for dinner Friday night to talk about the event and entertain our very special guests.  We brought in two extremely successful coaches to make this a really awesome event!  At dinner, they shared so much of their knowledge with us, it was amazing!  I came home full of ideas and so inspired I couldn't sleep!  I had a moment at the table where I had to look around and just soak up how far I've come in my business.  It's been hard work but it's moments like this that tell me I'm definitely on the right path!

2) The second moment came in the form of my sharing my story live in front of 350-400 people.  This moment for me was the cherry on the cake!  I have so much passion for what I do and it's been, what has often times felt like, an uphill battle.  These are the moments that make it all worth it!  When you can touch a room full of that many people and impact them .... there is nothing like it! 

I'll be setting some new EPIC goals for 2015 but first I'll be flying home to donate a portion of my liver and save a life ;)  Right after that i'll be back to take on the world!!


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