Friday, January 16, 2015

Pre-op Visit Scheduled!

You know the day is definitely getting close, when you receive your pre-op schedule in the mail!  I fly home to Michigan this Sunday and then the 1 week countdown begins!  On the 21st I will be at Henry Ford for my pre-op visit and I'm actually looking forward too it.  I think this will answer some of the questions I'm having, allow me to tour the facilities I'll be staying at, as well as connect with my surgeon again.  I only met him on the day we were doing all of the testing to determine if I was a match.  That day was such a whirlwind filled with lots of information, meeting with different departments and lots of people.  I'll definitely be looking forward to connecting with him again.  I'll also get to meet with my transplant coordinator, who is totally awesome, along with a nutritionist and pharmacist. 

I made a request to have my picture taken with the surgical staff  before we get started.  I told them this was important to me for a few different reasons.  One,  I'm documenting this journey for myself and my family to have forever.  I want to always be able to look back and share this with others and to remind me that I made the ultimate sacrifice to save a life and to continue to live the best life I possibly can!  I also want to shed a positive light on live organ donations because there are so many others out there who are in need and who are waiting!  There are so many people out there who are really sick and are waiting for a miracle.  By making the choice to donate, I'm not only saving the life of someone I care about, but I'm also giving someone else on the list, the chance at life too! 
The other reason I wanted to get a picture before hand was because I am a big believer in energy!  I do a lot of meditating, yoga, breath work, etc.  I also attend things to help me balance my energy like sound baths and Reiki sessions.  I believe that the better the energy in the operating room, the more smoothly things will go during and post surgery.  I want to share a moment prior to surgery with everyone that will have my life in their hands.  I want there to be a good, positive vibe in the operating room before they cut me open. 
Per usual, Henry Ford has been awesome and my coordinator said, "Heather, I'm going to make that happen!"
The countdown begins ...... 

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