Thursday, December 18, 2014

Unplug from the world and plug into yourself!

Yesterday, I took a much needed day off!  I unplugged from social media for a majority of the day and it felt great!  We live in a world that we are constantly plugged in and available.  If we don't have our phones or if we don't log onto social media, it feels like a really weird day. 

Since I primarily run my business through social media, there are not too many days when I'm not online at some point.  Even yesterday, I was taking the day off but I still logged on in the AM to check in with all of my groups.  I have people who rely on me and if they need support I want to be there.  I was on very briefly and then I logged off for the rest of the day.  It feels so great to unplug and just connect with your life once in awhile.  Get out there and live and not worry about posting a pic or a status update! 

Since it is such a big part of our society, we have to consciously remind ourselves to do this from time to time.  No one needs to be, or should be, available all of the time.  Make time to do the things you love most and be sure you're giving who you're with your undivided attention.  I mean come on, how many times do you see people who are out to eat and they are both on their smart phones most of the time .... LAME!  Put down your phone and connect with your world and the people in it! 

I challenge you to unplug at least one time per week.  This means turn off your phone and stay off social media.  Read a good book, go out for date night, take a hike with a friend, take a hot bath ... do whatever it is that brings you joy ... and don't feel the need to update your status about it :)

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