Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy Holidays! Here's to an electric 2015!

I hope this posts finds all of you in that post holiday bliss state of mind.  Looking back over the past few months, the memories you've made, the get-togethers you had, the good friends and family, the amazing food .... the good stuff as I like to call it!  I find the holidays can either bring out the best or worst in people, and I feel fortunate to be surrounded by people I cherish and who enrich my life in so many ways. 
This will be my second Christmas away from home but I carry with me years of the best traditions a girl could hope for and a deep appreciation for my family!  Although I miss my family, I also have an adventurous soul and there is a part in me that also is loving doing new things over the holidays.  Things I never thought I'd be doing.  Yesterday for Christmas, we headed down to Light House Beach in Mukilteo, WA.  We took my dog and played on the beach.  The scenery was absolutely beautiful, the ferry's were running and the light house was decorated for Christmas.  I had to stop, look around and remind myself that this wasn't a dream ... this is where I live, it's Christmas and I'm on a beautiful beach!  I was so full of gratitude and completely in love with my life :)

Now that the holidays are officially over, I'll be switching gears to really focus on my health.  My surgery was pushed back 1 week, due to a scheduling conflict with the surgical team, so my new date is January 26th .... one month from today!  I know this next month is going to go fast and I want to make sure I'm as prepared as possible.  This will include feeding my mind, body and spirit.  I know that my anxiety may increase as the surgery gets closer, but I also feel that I have a lot of healthy tools to reach for and amazing people surrounding me ... I cannot fail! 
It's time to get back on track and get serious.  I need to start training for the biggest event of my life and I want all the support I can get!  You are all invited to join my New Year New You Accountability Group starting January 5th!
Here are some more details on what you can expect from this group:
* An optional 3 Day Refresh Cleanse to kick off your health journey properly!  This will help you to eliminate your sugar cravings, rid your body of toxins, lose bloat and excess weight, boost your metabolism and prepare your body for the rest of the challenge.
* A personalized health and nutritional plan
* Motivation in the form of a private group.  This group will consist of people from all over the county who are different ages and at different fitness levels.  The one thing we have in common is we are all there to improve our health and support each other.
* Support from me, your personal health coach.  My services are included with your tools so once you have those, you have a coach for life!  I will be here every step of the way and will help you tweak your plan as your needs change.  Together we'll work to stay on track and reach your goals!
Does this sound like something that could benefit you?  Please let me know and we can discuss your goals further and I can secure your space in the group.
Please send me a message on Facebook at
or email me at 

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