Saturday, December 27, 2014

One month until my surgery and counting!

Last night marked a big date, on a few levels.  It was the last night I will be partaking in any alcoholic beverages for a long time!  Which also means ... I'm 30 days out from my surgery. 
I'd say that fact hit me harder than the no drinking part.  I'm not a huge drinker, although I do like to have a few cocktails with friends over good food.  I'll be ringing in the new year with some sparkling wine this year :)

I celebrated my last night with one of my favorite things to do .... Happy Hour!  As I was sitting there, it dawned on me that in just 30 days my life is about to change drastically.  In just 30 short days, I will be embarking on the biggest adventure of my life!  In just 30 days, I'll be leaving my home and my dog, uncertain when I'll be returning.  In 30 days, life as I know it will change indefinitely. 

I'm still feeling pretty calm and confident but we'll see what life has in store for me the closer the big day gets.  I am grateful I have so many healthy new tools to reach for.  Looking back over the last three years, it's amazing how I've required every tool I need to prepare me for this.  I'm connecting to so many wonderful things spiritually right now like:  Meditation, sound baths, Reiki sessions, yoga, time in nature ... things that really make me feel at peace and balanced.  I'm proud of myself for how far I've come in my journey to be able to be in a calm space like this.

Cheers to a life changing 2015!  Be BOLD, be BRAVE, be SELFLESS and be YOU!

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