Sunday, December 15, 2013

Working through the pain

For as some of you may know and other's may not know, I was in a bad car accident in January.  My car was totaled but I am very lucky to have just gotten bad whip lash. 
I went to physical therapy for app 4 months and they took me as far as they could but I'm still dealing with issues almost 1 year later.  The worst of it is my neck, shoulders and upper back.  Not to mention, if I'm stressed it aggravates my injury horribly and I have flare ups.  For someone who desires to be in control, being out of control of your body can be really frustrating.  I'm still not able to workout the way I want to.  Some days my body just doesn't want to cooperate with my mind.  Some days I have to do something more gentle like yoga or walking when I want to do interval training but that's life!  I've gotten pretty used to listening to my body but that doesn't mean it's less frustrating.  These past few weeks, the pain has been up and I haven't really been able to do to much other than yoga.  Today I had to push it a little even though I knew I was gonna be feeling it later ... and I am!  But sometimes that's the choice I have to make.  Today I needed it and it felt good for my mind.  I did Les Mills Combat Live 30 which is one of my favorite workouts and then I did a TurboFire stretch after.  I'm really bad at stretching but I need it badly.  This month I am making a conscious effort to stretch daily to improve my flexibility and to also improve before my Piyo certification next month!

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