Friday, December 13, 2013


Well I have been putting a lot of work into getting my blog up and running and I have to say i'm enjoying it.  This is right up my alley and is allowing me to feel a little creative which is always good! 
I'm going through a lot of materials and deciding what should go on the blog and what will be the most helpful to everyone!  If there are certain things you would all like to see, please don't hesitate to post some suggestions below!  During the upcoming days I will be adding a lot more content so keep peaking in on the tabs to see the fun additions. 
I appreciate everyone's support in helping me live out my dream!  I own my own company, that is based around helping others and I have the freedom I've always wanted!  For that I am truly grateful :)  I tend to set really high expectations for myself so I am doing a lot of work centered around slowing down, looking at everything you have around you, all that you've accomplished and praise yourself.  I have had a lot of amazing successes this year and I feel really blessed!  Start your day and end your day with some gratitude and see how amazing it feels!  It can be as simple as writing down 10 things you're grateful for everyday.  You can even make it a family affair and have the family share each night before bed what they are grateful for that day.  A little gratitude goes a long way!

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