Monday, January 13, 2014

A Year in Gratitude Project

This year I wanted to make sure that I was consciously spending time everyday in a place of gratitude.  It's so easy to get wrapped up in our busy day to day lives.  It's easy to walk around with our stress goggles on, complaining about what's going wrong in our lives.  It's easy to focus on what we don't have instead of everything we do!  I have to tell you, I was guilty of this for many years!  When I became a Beachbody coach, they frequently stressed the importance of personal development.  So for the first time in my life, I am engaging everyday in personal development every single day and have been for almost 2 years now.  What exactly does this mean you may be wondering?  Well whatever area in my life I'm feeling stress, friction, lack of knowledge, frustration, etc.  I find materials to help me grow and develop in those particular areas.  This may include reading from a book, reading a magazine article, watching a video on YouTube, attending a discussion, taking a class, etc.  This has opened so many doors and new opportunities in my life.  It also causes a lot of discomfort at times but those are the times when amazing growth takes place!  The moment I stopped putting the blame on other people, jumped inside myself, started to figure out how I felt about ME and what I needed to work on, is when this great shift started to occur.  I'm starting to attract different kinds of people into my life, both personally and professionally.  I am feeling much more clarity than I ever have in the past.  I'm learning who I truly am and I'm building a confidence in myself that I am certain will lead me to my achieving dreams! 
I decided to do a little project in 2014 that I'm calling the gratitude project.  I want to make sure everyday that I am focusing on at least one thing I'm grateful for.  I will be inviting you to take part in my year long journey in gratitude and encourage you to jump in and do this in your home as well!  I have added a gratitude tab on my blog so everyone can see what I am grateful for!  Please check it out :)
Be blessed and be grateful ...

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