Thursday, January 9, 2014

First day at Boys and Girls Club

Today was my first day volunteering at the Boys and Girls club of Kirkland.  I wasn't sure what to expect and when I arrived there were kids running everywhere!  They were all just arriving from school, amped and ready to go!  First they got a snack and broke off into groups where they bounced off the walls in their own respective age groups.  There were over a few hundred kids of all ages!  At 4:00 it was time for power hour where they all break off and do their homework.  At first I was helping with the K-2nd graders and that was a piece of cake but then I was pulled into the 5th grade room.  For those of you who know me, math is definitely not my strong suite AT ALL!  Of course a girl needed help with dividing using decimals.  Don't laugh but it took me a minute lol!  All of the kids were great and they showed me the ropes!  Although today was a bit overwhelming, I look forward to getting my hands dirty with these kids.  They were severely understaffed today so it was clear they need all of the help they can get!
I will be volunteering there every Thursday and may choose another place to donate time as well.  We will see what 2014 brings but I will always be looking to give back.

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