Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Technology Queen

I will say that starting your own blog when you know very little about computers, is quite an education!  I have set up this blog all on my own, and although it walks you through a lot of it, there is still lots to figure out.  As many of you recently seen, I completed my health transformation video, which was a long time in the making.  I am very proud of it and wanted to share it with everyone!  My first lesson was on artists and how they syndicate their songs.  I uploaded my video to YouTube and then started posting the link for others to see.  I started getting messages back that it could not be viewed on mobile devices or tablets.  I started doing some research and that's where I learned how the artist codes each song for syndication.  I decided to change the song and try again.  It worked a little better but still could not be viewed on a few devices.  I was given a suggestion to try free non copyrighted music sharing sites but I immediately found what I thought what could be a virus, so I didn't like that route.  I started watching tutorial videos on YouTube and found one that showed me a loop hole.  I then had to learn how to copy and edit the HTML code so it would embed into my blog.  So one week later, and countless hours, I've learned how to:  Make and edit a video, edit and embed and HTML and put it where I want it on my blog, and I have learned how to completely bypass syndication laws on YouTube and the steps to go through to make your videos playable on all devices!  Was this frustrating? yes!  But look at everything I learned :)  I'm learning how to completely create and manage my blog on my own and I know that will come with learning and mistakes!  I'm proud of what I have accomplished this week :)  So for those of you who were unable to open the previous video I sent you, here is my health transformation video again.

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