Saturday, February 22, 2014

My secret to changing my health forever!

I get asked often, so what is your secret?  How did you lose all of you weight?  How do you stay motivated?  How long has it taken you to get to where you are?
The first thing I have to say is, there is no magic pill or fix that is going to help you become healthy!  Yes it may help you lose weight but it's temporary and it's not healthy. 

Second, I've now been on my health journey for close to two years now and my body is still changing.  I know you've heard me say it before but I will continue to say it, as soon as I started focusing more on being healthy and less on that number on the scale - is when my body just started to transform!  If you have never jumped in and really learned about nutrition, you should because it's worth it!  You can be working out 6 days per week hard and ruin it with one meal!  Once you learn how to properly balance your fitness and nutrition, you'll be unstoppable!

Lastly, the way I stay on course with all of these is simple .... my accountability groups!  I owe much of my success to these amazing groups!  They have given me so much knowledge, support, inspiration, motivation and they always push me to be the best I can be!  It's in these groups, where I learned all about nutrition and how to properly fuel my body.  It's almost been 2 years since joined my first accountability group and now I'm running my own and loving every minute of it! 

What can you expect from an accountability group:
* Accountability to your fitness regime.  We will work together to come up with a fitness plan based on your current activity level and your goals.
* Assistance with your nutrition.  Based on your current habits we will take small steps to improve your health.  Maybe you have some pretty good habits already, in which case we may only need to make some minor adjustments.
* Motivation
* Fun challenges and chances to win cash and prizes!
* A super cool coach (me!) that will be there to help you every step of the way and will work to keep you on track!
* A support system that won't let you fail

My next accountability group starts March 3rd and is filling up quickly!  Check out this video on Youtube for more info

Contact me TODAY!

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