Monday, February 17, 2014

Mind, Body & Spirit

Many people feel that being skinny equals being healthy.  Or that living a healthy lifestyle only includes working out and dieting.  Or maybe don't believe that things like stress levels, sleep patterns and breath work can greatly affect your well being.  If it truly is a balanced healthy lifestyle you seek, your mind, body & spirit must all be in sync.  Then and only then will everything be working harmoniously!  Your stress levels will be down, you will be happier, you will feel great, you will have more energy to workout, you will have less illness, all your organs will be functioning at their peak levels, you're giving your body the proper fuel, and then you are free to start transforming into your healthiest form.  Instead you see people going through this painful process and are only focused on that number on the scale.  They are full of stress, binge eating or eating very little, have no energy, are having digestive issues, skin issues, memory issues, sleep issues, etc.  Then they turn around and wonder why they can't lose weight or why it's coming off so slowly.  Which way sounds more pleasant to you?
Lately I have had some personal issues I've been going through and it's brought on more stress and emotional times.  Ever since my car accident last January, stress also comes with higher pain levels as well.  I have learned some new tools for times like this!  I was never one to do yoga, meditate or even knew what breath work was.  So all of these things are more awesome tools my personal development has brought my way :)  I have a very busy mind and I'm always moving from one thing to the next.  I used to really have issues with letting things irritate and aggravate me or I would let stress control my life!  I don't look at my accident as a bad thing anymore.  I look at it as circumstance that was meant to deliver new tools to me.  Instead of looking at it like, "Oh man here's another pain flare up, I can't believe this is still happening to me, why me??" I think to myself, "Ok what can I learn from this?"  So every time I feel stress triggering my pain, it's not something to get angry at, it's another opportunity to use the new tools I've been given to manage the situation - how else would I know they are working?  None  of this came easy - I'm a hot blooded Italian who is very passionate about what I believe and what bothers me!  It doesn't mean I want to live in pain and all stressed out though!  I went on a journey of taking back control of my emotions and it lead me in many different places like:  Therapy, books, videos, movies, a Depak Chopra event, meditating, yoga, breath work, etc.  A huge world that I had never even had the patience to explore, I now knew held the key to my freedom!  I am still so new to this and I can't say I can always quiet my mind but I can say I've gotten much better at allowing myself to breath, relax and ask for help and the answers I need.  I have let stress do some pretty awful things to me and to feel like I am making headway in this area is tremendously liberating!  I want to feel light, free, happy and content!
Who's with me?


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