Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Consistency is Key!

So today I logged onto my Facebook Health/Fitness page to find that I had crossed the 1,500 likes mark.

I looked at that number and I had to stop and reflect.  I have been trying to do that a lot more lately, because I am one of those people that fails to give myself credit when credit is due.  I tend to push myself really hard and set un-realistic expectations for myself.  For example, as many of you know, I became certified in PiYo Strength a few months ago.  It's super challenging so I have been practicing very hard.  Instead of enjoying the process and seeing all the progress I've been making, I was focused on the fact that I'm not teaching yet and want to be.  I'm focused on the fact that it still feels really hard for me.  Recently Lino, my fiancĂ©, asked me if he could do a class with me.  Up until now I have just been practicing by myself and it's been when he is at work, so he has really seen nothing other than when I first became certified.  He was completely blown away at how far I have come!  He couldn't believe how much stronger I was, how low I was getting, how much more flexible I had gotten, how much stronger I was etc.  I really had to switch my mindset, pat myself on the back and take credit for all of the hard work I've been putting in!  I start teaching when it's time and I'm ready and I need to remember that.

So today when I logged in and saw that 1,500 likes, I wanted to make sure I slowed down and congratulated myself, instead of wondering why it can't be 2,000 or 5,000 - or anything else other than what it is right at this very moment.  I looked at that number and I allowed myself to really reflect on how much work went into that number and how grateful I am to be exactly where I am. 
It's been just about 1 year since I became a Beachbody Coach and I can still remember how intimidated I was when I first started.  I looked at some of these top coaches and things they had accomplished.  How may followers they had on social media, how many different platforms they were on, the number of people they were helping, the trips they were winning, the videos they were posting, the money they were making, etc,  and I just thought, "Well I'll never be at that level but I'm sure I can reach a level that I'm happy with."  I was putting all these restrictions and limitations on myself and didn't even really realize the impact.  Sure I was making goals but not the ones I should have been ... I needed to make MUCH bigger goals to grow into the person that could achieve them.  I may have doubted my ability to reach certain milestones but there is one thing I never doubted and that was my ability to be consistent.

For this past year I was consistent in my behaviors EVERYDAY!  Each day I:  Worked on my personal development, talked to new people, devoted time to my health and shared my story on social media.  I got really comfortable in stepping outside of my comfort zone because I started to see that's where the sweetest rewards were.  Let's fast forward to today .....

* I am a full time Beachbody coach and have found my passion to help as many people as I can become the best that they can be!
* I have reached 1,500 likes on my Health/Fitness page.
* I have a Youtube channel where I am starting to post videos.
* I have started this blog that I absolutely love running :)
* I have become a certified fitness instructor, which is not something I would have ever guessed I would be doing or was even capable of!
* I recently won my first trip for me and my fiancĂ©.  In a few weeks, we will be heading out on a Caribbean cruise, with top of the line accommodations.  I also earned, $500 in free cruise bucks to take care of our onboard expenses.
* I have people reaching out to me telling me that they have been following me for a long time and want MY help.  This still humbles me every single time!

I am so grateful to be where I am and I can't wait to see what this new year holds.  I look forward to getting even more uncomfortable, setting new stretch goals, helping a TON of people and seeing how far I can get in another year's time.  I can tell you one thing, I plan to continue being consistent every day with my successful behaviors!

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