Monday, March 17, 2014

Look what will be joining the Beachbody family soon ....

Oh man .... I'M SO EXCITED!!!
So how many of you are familiar with Chalene Johnson.  She is the famous trainer who created Turbojam and TurboFire.  Not only that but she is an incredible business woman, best selling author and motivational speaker.  I credit Chalene, and TirboFire, with helping me lose a good portion of my weight, as well as show me that working out could be fun!  Up until then I hated working out and I never even knew it could be fun!  Chalene is just so spunky, motivating and silly, you just can't help but have a fun time and burn a ton of calories!
After Chalene helped me lose app 30 lbs, I was hooked to her spunk and motivation.  I started following her and looking into other things she was involved in.  I was involved in growing my business and I signed up for her 30 day push challenge.  This was a challenge designed to help you make sure your goals and priorities were in line, how to properly set goals, know how you're working towards them, etc.  I learned so much and again my appreciation for Chalene grew, as did my business :)

When I decided I wanted to become a certified fitness instructor, I had no clue in what format!  The fact of the matter is, since I was in my car accident in January of 2013, my body just hasn't been 100%.  I knew I couldn't do something that was super strenuous or extreme if I expected my body to be able to keep up with the demand.  Everything I looked at was just going to be too physical or something I just wasn't interested in.  Again I turned to Chalene and began to look at some of her classes, as she offers certification in 3-4 different practices.  I knew Turbokick would be too physical and so I was looking at Hip Hop Hustle and PiYo Strength.  Although Hip Hop Hustle looked like a lot of fun, something intrigued me about PiYo Strength.  It was a fusion of yoga and Pilates, although unlike anything else I had ever seen.  You were in constant motion and the class was set to really fun music.  I started doing a lot of research and talking to other people who were teaching or had become certified.  The more people I spoke with, the more convinced I became that this was the one for me!  Strength and flexibility are not my strong suit, never have been, and I knew this would push myself outside of my comfort zone because it would force me to push myself in both of those areas!  I also knew that out of anything I had looked at, this had the most promise of helping me through my accident injuries and maybe even alleviate some of my pain. 
As many of you know, in January of this year, I became certified in PiYo Strength :)  I have been practicing and I am hoping to be teaching within the next few months!  I can't wait to start teaching and I can see and feel PiYo changing my body!  Since I have taken the class, I can't tell you how many people (especially in the Midwest) have asked me, "where can I take a PiYo class?"  Then we would look and it wouldn't be offered in their area or sometimes even in their state!!  This is how new this program is and just like any other healthy trend, it's starting mostly on the West coast first (but expanding quickly).  My guess is you'll start seeing PiYo pop up all over the place soon!  Especially after this new announcement ...

So I bet you're thinking, "So Heather what's the big announcement?  What has you so excited?"  Well Chalene has had a top secret project in the works and I've been SO curious as to what it is.  You're never going to believe what it is ... give up?  PiYo is coming to Beachbody!!!  That's right her new program will bring PiYo right into your living room!  She must have heard all of you requests!  I just couldn't believe it when I saw that this is what the new program it was!  Once this program hits the shelves, I would expect classes to start popping up ALL over the place as well!  They are giving us more of the details on our upcoming cruise next week so I will report back then.  To stay in the know about this program, as well as my teaching schedule once it's available, please make sure you have subscribed to this blog via email.  You can also send me an email to request more info at

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