Sunday, April 6, 2014

That moment when gratitude takes over!

Since being back from our Beachbody cruise to the Caribbean, I have felt an array of feelings and emotions.  First and foremost I've felt extreme vertigo, and imbalance within my body.  Yes it hasn't been fun, but it also makes me proud of myself as well.  I'm proud because I've come that far in my health journey, that my body craves health and balance!  I have to say in the past, neither were even on my radar!  I have said it before and I'll say it again ... I feel nothing but gratitude for the path that I'm on!  We just get back from this AMAZING all expenses paid Beachbody cruise that I was able to earn, along with $500 in spending cash, for myself and my fiancé.  All for supporting others in reaching their health goals!!  I mean come on, that's something that is already SO rewarding, but now you're going to send me on really cool trips for free??  Ummm ok :)
As if that isn't enough, you're truly surrounded by the most incredible group of people I have ever met!!  They are all individuals that:  Have a story to share, care about your story, are engaged in personal development to better themselves and want to make the world a better place!  My fiancé is not heavily involved in the business, although he loves his Shakeology every morning, was touched by the people and stories he was exposed to!
Please check out our fun trip .... and just think ... this could be you!

As if that experience didn't have me on enough of a high, I came home to so many awesome stories of people kicking butt, going after their goals, wanting to get involved and one that hit extra close to home.  Some of you have been following my father's health journey and for those of you who haven't, here's a brief recap. 
My father finally gave up heavy drinking and smoking cigarettes a few years ago, after many years of abuse.  I was so proud of him but I also saw him shift his addiction to food and I actually felt like he was killing himself faster!  My dad stands 6'1 and has always been a big man but he put on  a lot of weight, even for him.  I was really worried about him but also knew he was still working to get through his other addictions and knew he wasn't ready to now face a new one.  He went to his Dr. with back issues, only to find out that he needed a complete hip replacement.  He very quickly realized that if he didn't change his ways, this surgery could be the thing that kept him permanently from doing the things he loved to do.  My dad loves to hunt, fish, garden, etc.  The thought of those things being taken from him, really hit home!  His health had also gotten to the point where he was on all kinds of meds for:  High blood pressure, high cholesterol, nerve damage, anxiety, and was seeing a heart specialist.  I knew I had to intercede and help him get started.  I told him that he would now be replacing one meal per day with Shakeology - and this was NON NEGOTIABLE.  He found them delicious so it wasn't too hard of a deal for him :)  After one week, he started reporting:  More energy, his color came back so I knew his circulation was improving, less cravings, regularity, etc.  He was able to lose about 10 pounds before his hip replacement surgery and I know that helped in his recovery big time!!
After his surgery, he did his physical therapy and kept replacing one meal per day with Shakeology.  He still struggles with his nutrition and he has gone up and down on his health journey.  He's had some really frustrating moments and some really incredible ones too! 
Fast forward to today .... he has just reached the 30lb weight loss mark and ready for this .... just found out he doesn't need ANY MORE MEDICATIONS and no need to see a heart specialist!!! 
My dad drinks his Shakeology everyday, plugs into his accountability group to get motivation & support and he does the best that he can!  He still can't workout too hard and still struggles with his nutrition but the fact that all of his numbers are within a  healthy range is an AWESOME start!! 
He now feels like a Facebook celebrity because so many people have connected with his journey and made comments.  He is waiting for Tony Horton to call and offer him a job ha ha ha!

I've been sharing my journey in gratitude that I've been on with all of you.  I have found that by finding one thing you are grateful for each and everyday, you will feel a moment where gratitude takes over!  You are just all of a sudden living gratitude and it's flooding into your life in so many areas :)  What a feeling ....

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