Friday, April 11, 2014

The Power of Meditation

My vertigo has been getting better and better the last 4 days and is finally pretty faint.  I'm still feeling a little imbalanced internally in my brain, my hormone levels and I'm still recovering nutrition wise, from the cruise.  It's amazing how sensitive my body has now become after living in a healthy state most of the time!
Instead of beating myself up, trying to push myself, making it worse, feeling anxiety, etc.  I am applying my personal development and I'm recognizing my body and mind have needed the break, I need to be gentle and patient and I will work through this at the pace that I'm being pulled at. 
I planned to try to start working out today but again my mind and body had other plans!  I was feeling negative, irritable, sensitive, and defensive.  Instead of pushing through this with a tough workout, or staying in this space all day, I decided to do a nice long meditation.

The world of meditating is still very new to me and often still very challenging, however, it instantly shifted my energy!  I now feel:  Calm, positive, reflective, happy and productive! 
To meditate is to connect with yourself on the deepest level possible.  You realize that you DO have control over all of these things!  Stress, anxiety, fear ... these things don't even really exist.  They are simply conditions we put upon ourselves.

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