Sunday, April 27, 2014

I'm Back

I know it has been a few weeks since I posted to my blog but it's all for good reason!  Team Aloha is growing at such an awesome rate - it's been amazing!  We have been working on a training program for over 1 year now and it's been through many revisions.  We have tried different approaches, changed things we didn't feel were effective, tried other things we thought may be ....
I finally feel like our training system is getting to where it should be, after A LOT of hard work!!  Coming off the cruise, I feel like everything became so clear.  It wasn't one thing that happened. It was a series of ah ha moments that led to the picture becoming so clear and wow what a powerful moment let me just say!

I had to devote my time to making training videos, editing and organizing posts.  I knew that a few weeks of devotion to this project would pay off in the long run.  In the past, I would have tried to cram in everything and I would have really stressed myself out ... but not the new developed me!  I had to take a few things off my plate temporarily, my blog being one of them, until I finished my project.  Although I definitely missed my blog, I was able to allow my creativity and energy to flow through my training and not get stressed out.  I'm learning to be more flexible in life, although it's still not easy for me.  Meditating has helped me in this area greatly. 
I feel so blessed to be attracting positive people into my business and I am really excited to see where the rest of this year goes! I am happy to be back and connected to my blog :)

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