Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Transformational Tuesday!

Each week we've been doing a transformational Tuesday photo on Team Aloha, to highlight someone's journey.  One of my amazing team members, Lauren, is so creative and makes these amazing photo's all the time.  I felt so special when she sent me my very own this week.  So this week's transformational Tuesday photo is .... yours truly :)

When I look at this, I have to sit back and reflect on where I am today in my life and how far I've come!  Not even 2 short years ago I was:  At the top of my BMI, exhausted all of the time, had horrible digestive issues, didn't like the way I looked and was not happy about where I was in my life.  It was then that I joined my first Beachbody Challenge Group!  Fast forward to today ....
I am in the best shape of my life and still rocking those same Beachbody Challenge Groups!  The only difference now is .... I'm a coach!  If someone would have told me a few years ago I would be a health/fitness coach I would have hysterically laughed in their face!  I was the complete opposite picture of health!  I partied, smoked, never worked out, didn't eat well, didn't get enough sleep ... I was horribly abusing my body and it was totally catching up with me. 
I don't know where I would be without the support and accountability of Beachbody and my Team Aloha family.  This experience has completely changed my life and I am so humbled and grateful every day for that!
It's NEVER too late to change your path, make a different decision and go after what will REALLY make you happy! 

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