Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 305 of expressing gratitude daily :)

At the beginning of this year, I decided to embark on a journey of expressing gratitude daily for the entire year.  When I first started, I had to work to make it a habit.  There were days I forgot and had to play catch up or days I had to search out the ordinary for something extraordinary. 

Once it started to become a habit, I started looking forward to it.  Just naming that one thing, I may have normally overlooked, that made my day a little brighter or that I appreciated.  Sure there were days that were down right shitty but you know what I discovered?  Finding something you're grateful for on those really awful days does something amazing.  It actually has the ability to shift your focus from something you were dwelling on and puts you in a space of gratitude. 

I have to be honest with you, when I first started this journey I thought it would be something cool to do but never did I imagine the impact it would have on my life and my outlook.  The bad days jus don't seem so bad now and I stop to appreciate so much more.  I am not taking granted of the little things, when often times they are the things I am most grateful for.  The difference now is I'm conscious of them. 

What started as a year long commitment has now become a life long one :)  I have been cataloguing my journey on this blog, under the Gratitude Project tab if you'd like to check it out.  I plan to make a project with it when I'm done to remind myself of the power in gratitude! and what this year has done for me.

I challenge everyone to do the gratitude project in 2015 and see what impact it has on you!  You can track via pen and paper, an app in your phone, on social media ... it doesn't matter!  What matters is acknowledging something you're grateful for every day. 
I'd love to hear about your journey as well!

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