Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What is my BIG news? Time to save a life :)

So I know that I have been eluding for about a week now that I was going to be announcing major news and I would be documenting my journey right here on my blog.  Well the time has come to actually share the news, which I am learning can sometimes be the hardest part. 
Putting something big out there, for others to know and see, makes things very real.  What I'm being called on to do, is no easy task, but in line with everything I stand for.  Before we go any further first watch this so we can be on the same level here ....

See I told you it was major news!!  I'm still processing all of this to be honest with you but sharing this is a taking it to the next level.  I can feel my self accepting this now and starting to put in place what I need to, to keep my mind, body and spirit healthy. 
The three days of testing were a whirlwind.  I went into this, not allowing myself to get ahead of everything and create anxiety, which is exactly what the former me would have done.  I told myself that being a match is very rare, less than 10% to be exact, so if I am meant to do this I'll know ... and now I know!
I look back now on my journey and realize I was in training for something much greater than improving my health and starting a business.  I was in training for this!  All of the tools I've been given over the past 3 years have equipped me for this moment and I'm ready :)
I would love all of the support and positive energy I can get!  As I said, I'll be documenting this life changing journey on my blog and all of you are invited as well. 
If you want to receive email updates, you can do so in the top right corner of my blog.
2015 is already shaping up to be quite a year!

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