Monday, November 24, 2014

Free 21 day Mind ~ Body ~ Soul Course

If I were to hold a FREE 21 day Mind, body and soul course, would you be interested?

We would cover all kinds of topics such as: Creating a vision for your life, setting a plan for 2015, creating a healthy mindset, finding balance, creating good habits and behaviors, etc.
I wanted to offer this because I am a healthy lifestyle coach and what I do goes well beyond losing weight or getting tone. I aim to support my clients in living a healthy lifestyle permanently. This in...cludes finding balance in mind, body and soul! You cannot just address one area, neglect others and expect for everything to be flowing smoothly in your life.

I want to help as many people as possible get on a path to living their best life
This course is going to contain tips that I have learned along the way, which have helped me to transform my life completely! You CAN live the life you have always dreamed, it's inside every one of us! These tools will help you radiate on a level that will allow you to start attracting what you truly want!

I was thinking that I would start this group Dec. 1st and it would run through the 21st. I'm just starting to see if there is a big enough interest to put the group together first.

If you are interested please fill out this form and I will contact you with details.


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