Friday, November 28, 2014

A Complete Strangers Act of Generosity

Hi everyone I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving!  I always hope that everyone spends time daily expressing gratitude for the things they are thankful for but especially on a holiday.

I was surrounded by wonderful friends this year and I felt extremely blessed.  My holiday traditions have changed over the years but I carry them with me in my heart and my goal is to duplicate the feeling it creates for all of those around me, where ever I may be!  My fondest memories include:  Loved ones, the smell of good food, laughter, joy and lots of gratitude.  I fill my home with that all of the time but go that extra mile around the holidays.  I love to open my home to all and make everyone feel happy and fulfilled! Although I am now far away from my home, I am carrying on our traditions and sharing them with people I care about.  This year I hosted 7 friends for what was an incredible night of good food and even better company!

Now for an amazing heart warming story, of a complete stranger showing an act of selfless generosity.  My good friend, Meg, came over for Friendsgiving and she handed me an envelope and said I have a story for you.  She proceeded to tell me that a co-worker had asked her what her plans were for Thanksgivng, so she told her about our Friendsgiving dinner.  She started telling her about me and it led into my story of my upcoming surgery.  She shared with her how I was preparing give half of my liver in January to save my father's life and my thoughts and feelings surrounding this major decision.  She said by the time she got done talking they were both crying (which doesn't surprise me, Meg can be FAR too generous lol)  Her friend came to work the next day and handed her the envelope I was not holding in my hands.  She told Meg she was touched by my story and just wanted to contribute something small to show her appreciation.  I opened up the envelope and inside was a nice note along with .... a $100 bill!  I was completely floored that a complete stranger would be so touched by what I'm doing that send me this.  To her I know she thought this was small but to me this was so HUGE!  I was instantly humbled and just felt overwhelmed with gratitude.  It's my passion to inspire and connect with others and when this happens ... the feeling can be profound and overwhelming.

Many people have called me a hero and I really don't see it that way.  I feel like I have the opportunity to save someone's life, who I just happen to care about a great deal, and it's an honor to be called to do so.  There is no coincidence that I am only number 8 out of 80 to be selected to have this surgery this year.  When you are put on this planet to impact lives and help others live their best lives ever, you never know when you will be called.  Your only task to be ready when you are :)

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