Monday, December 1, 2014

Blessed Beyond Belief

Humbling, full of gratitude, emotionally overwhelming ... These are the words I'm using to describe my past 2 days.  I can already tell that this life changing journey I'm preparing to embark on is going to be really just that .... life changing.  As it gets closer, I'm experiencing the most amazing acts of kindness and hearing the most amazing stories.  Here are a few more high points for me :)

It started with a call I had with a live liver donor that my transplant coordinator set me up with.  We instantly connected and she shared her powerful story with me.  She has 2 sisters who were born with Cystic Fibrosis.  On top of it, her younger sister also contracted liver disease and eventually cancer.  She found out she was a perfect match and didn't hesitate to go all in!  They even phoned them saying they had a cadaver liver available at the final hour and they decided to turn it down.  She said to me, "I'm young, healthy and she's my sister.  Someone else's life was saved with that organ."  I was instantly humbled by her selflessness.  She also told me that she took good care of herself and she wanted to know her sister was getting a good strong organ, considering everything she has been through in her life.  At the time of the surgery, her sister was only 21 years old.  She knows that on the horizon there will probably be 2 more transplants, in the form of lungs, for her sisters.  However, I got the profound feeling that this family very much lives life to the fullest and one day at a time.  They had their surgery in February and by August they BOTH ran a 5K.  Then in November they both ran a half marathon.  Talk about inspiration!!!
She was able to shed so much light on what I could expect as far as recovering.  I gained a great sense of comfort and confidence hearing what she had to say.  I feel so blessed to have her as a new friend and resource.  Liver Giver Sister as I've learned ... catchy eh!

This next one completely caught me off guard!  I logged onto my Team Aloha Facebook page today and I see a post from my Coach telling our team that I am donating a portion of my liver to my step father and in my honor a Go Fund page had been set up by Meg (my close friend!)  I had no idea she was doing this and had to read it a few times to make sure I understood it.  I clicked on the link and sure enough, a page set up for .... me.  It was a bit of a surreal moment to see a page like that set up for me, with the words Live Organ Donor across the top.  As I read what she wrote, again I was just so humbled and such an extreme amount of appreciation washed over me.  I am truly surrounded by amazing, positive, spiritual, GOOD people.  No scratch that INCREDIBLE people and I feel so blessed!

By changing my life completely from living in a space of negativity, frustration and stress to living in a space of gratitude, health and happiness.  It's no secret why I've attracted these people into my life.  I devote my time daily to helping others be the very best that they can be and tackle those really scary goals.  Nothing is scary when you have someone behind you that believes in you.  But I don't do this because it's my job, I do this because its what I was called to do and it's my passion.  Just by doing that, just by helping others feel amazing, I have attracted so many blessings into my life.  You don't live your life expecting to need help at some point.  I mean you know you will but you don't know when and in what capacity.  Right now, when I need the most support, is when I am rewarded for the good life I've been living.  The outpouring of love and support I'm receiving is beyond what I can put into words but I can tell you it gives me so much strength and confidence.  I appreciate it more than I can even hope to express in words. 

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