Friday, November 7, 2014

Whatever you do ... just never give up!

If you've ever had to struggle to get somewhere, you will relate to this post!  Especially those of you who have ever started your own business.  It's HARD work!!  You have to stay very closely connected to your why because if you don't you'll be chewed up and spit back out.  My why is to live a life of complete freedom.  To come and go as I please, live in a peaceful place, getting to go on adventures and travel the world and to be living a life of complete gratitude.  It's also to continue to expand my growth mind, body and spirit.
You have to be willing to give up everything, invest your heart and soul, take lots of criticism, fail multiple times and keep moving forward.  There are so many days you question your decision, wonder if you're doing the right thing or on the right path.  I find that if you are on the right path, it's at just those moments when something will happen to renew your faith. 
I will be going on year three of my business and I've been having some tough months lately that have left me asking myself many of these same questions (that I have asked many times before).
Can I do this?  Am I going to make it?  When will I reach my goals?  When is it going to get easier?

Then I logged onto my email and I had received my email from Team Beachbody that tells me my stats in the company.  Out of around 225,000 coaches I am ranked 1,299.  Now there are two ways to look at this.  I could look at the small picture and say, "Man I've been working this hard and I'm still only 1,299!!??"  Wouldn't that just be a glass is half empty thing to say!  Or instead I could look at the big picture say, "Wow!  Out off all of those people I'm 1,299.  I'm in the top 1% of the company and I'm pretty awesome!"  I choose the latter :)

Because you know what, YOU have to lift yourself up!!  YOU have to stop and congratulate yourself and be proud of yourself.  YOU have to slow down and recognize the signs around you, both good and bad.  This is how you know if you are on the right path.  Make the choice to live a conscious life and so many amazing things will unfold for you.
I was asking questions about my business and asking for a sign ... I received it.  I'll use this to fuel me forward and keep me motivated to build my business with love and passion. 
There are SO many people who can use my help!

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