Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A year lead by gratitude!

Happy new year to all of you!  I hope this post finds everyone reflecting on the year they just had and setting your goals for the upcoming year.  I have certainly been reflecting today, and WOW what a year!  If I had to sum up my year in one word it would growth!  I did more personal development this year, than anything else, and it brought so many blessings into my life.
I remember years in the past where I would look back and 9 times out of 10 I would say, "Wow that was a hard year!"  Those hard times are often what stick out in our minds when we are reflecting but this year it's different and I know why.  Not only was I highly invested in my personal development but I was also taking part in my daily gratitude project.  Last year, at the start of 2014, I made a commitment to myself, that everyday I would choose one thing I was grateful for and keep track of my journey.  It's hard to believe that this is the last day of that commitment to myself and I have documented 365 things that I am grateful for.  It's no surprise that at the end of this year, I feel so unbelievably blessed and it's because I'm living a life of gratitude.  My glass is not half full it's always overflowing :)
Setting my sites on 2015, I am so pumped to see what's in store!!  I know I'll be kicking off the year saving a life, so it doesn't get much cooler than that!  I am living a life that I have designed and it feels amazing!!

A very happy new year to all of you and whatever you are doing tonight please be safe :)

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