Friday, March 6, 2015

Challenger of the Week & Why accountabiltiy rocks!

This weeks challenger of the week has accomplished SO much and is not stopping now!  This week we celebrate Aimee!  Aimee has lost 19.7lbs and 34.5" ... I mean WOW! Girl that's just incredible :)  I'm so beyond proud of you because no matter what you never give up.  She is following her fitness and nutritional plan to help her succeed.  She is also engaging in our online accountability group for motivation and support!  Aimee is working to find balance mind, body and spirit and she is committed to investing in herself.   She is dedicated and doing a lot of hard work.  That's the beauty about hard work though, it pays off :)  Keep up the awesome work Aimee!

I joined my first accountability 4 years ago this month and it completely changed my life!  I yo-yo dieted my entire life and gained and lost the same 30lbs over and over again.  It wasn't until I joined my first accountability group that I received the perfect combination of fitness, nutrition and support!  Up until then, I had no idea how to approach nutrition and thought that if I just worked out, it didn't matter how I ate.  Boy that couldn't be further from the truth!  Now I understand that good nutrition is the key foundation to having great health.  Still to this day, my accountability groups keep me on track and motivated.  I'm not one of those people that just jumps out of the bed pumped to go workout.  However, when I log into my online accountability groups and see everyone showing up and doing their best - it makes me want to show up and do my best too!  It encourages me to set a good example for everyone and it surrounds me with motivation everyday!  After 4 years, I still rely on them to help keep me on track.  I love interacting with all of the people in there because they are all working to better themselves.  We support, motivate and encourage each other to never give up - and that's such an awesome thing to be apart of!  Not only that but the groups are a great source of:  Tips, tools, recipes, advice and so much valuable knowledge to support everyone in reaching their goals.  It truly is about living a healthy lifestyle and never dieting again! What an amazing feeling that is :)

Team Inspire starts various health groups monthly.  If you'd like more info, please just send me an email at and we can determine the best group for you.  Here's what's coming up ...

Current Groups
Biggest Loser Challenge - Enrollment Open
Team Inspire will be hosting a Biggest Loser Challenge to kick off April!  You will be paired with the perfect fitness and nutritional plan for YOU to get the best results you possibly can.  Not only will you have an awesome fitness and nutritional plan, to fit your needs but you will also have the amazing support and motivation from your online accountability group.
The person who loses the biggest amount of body fat, in 30 days, will win a fantastic prize!  Let's get ready for summer together!
Start date:  April 6th

We will also be kicking off the group with an optional 3 Day Refresh Cleanse to really optimize our results!  It's a super awesome way to drop a few excess pounds, gain energy, kick your cravings, eliminate toxins, revitalize you organs and give you a boost to start your your health journey.

This group will fill up fast so please message me if you would like to be added to list!  Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have as well.  Please email me at and request to be added to the list.
Make  2015 your best year yet!!!
FREE 21 day Mind ~ Body ~ Soul course -
Starting the second Monday of every month
I'm hosting a free 21 day Mind, Body, Soul group that I'm so exited about!
I wanted to offer this because I am a healthy lifestyle coach and what I do goes well beyond losing weight or getting tone. I aim to support my clients in living a healthy lifestyle permanently. This in...cludes finding balance in mind, body and soul! You cannot just address one area, neglect others and expect for everything to be flowing smoothly in your life.
I want to help as many people as possible get on a path to living their best life
This course is going to contain tips that I have learned along the way, which have helped me to transform my life completely! You CAN live the life you have always dreamed, it's inside every one of us! These tools will help you radiate on a level that will allow you to start attracting what you truly want!
We will cover such topics as:  Making time for yourself, creating a vision for your life, de-stressing, expressing gratitude, finding balance, etc.
If you would  like more information or would like to enroll, please email me and we'll chat!


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