Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Word of the Day is Progress!!

Yes that's right, my word for today is progress!  Despite this cold still lingering on and on, I can feel myself starting to turn a corner.  I am still really congested and go through periods where I have very little energy.  Today was a little different though, today was special.  Despite my cold, I heard that little voice in the back of my mind saying, "It's time, today should be your first workout day!"  I knew my body would tell me when it was time to start easing back into it and today I got the message.

I wasn't sure which workout was going to call me first and it was one of my all time favs, PiYo!  For those of you who have never tried it before, it's a fun and dynamic combination of yoga and Pilates.  You're in constant movement and Chalene Johnson totally kicks your but.  I have been feeling the need to stretch and strengthen, so I figured this would be a good place to start.  I also really like that there is a great modifier that you can follow to meet your level, which was heaven sent and boy did I need it.  I modified just about everything and even made up a little on my own to compensate what I couldn't do.  I kept reminding myself that this is step one of what will be a whole lot of steps.  Just take one day at a time!  I also managed to get in 30 squats for a challenge my accountability groups are doing.  It felt really great to get back in with my groups and accomplish my first workout post surgery - no matter how modified the workout was!

I know I have to go slow and take baby steps to get back to where I was physically.  This journey is really going to force me to grow in the patience department.  It's also going to force me to learn a new speed, slow.  I am looking for all of the positive lessons I will learn from this journey and I'm looking forward to growing in those areas.  It was clear after todays workout that this phase of my journey is going to be slow going.  Today starts day one of my training to strengthen my body in many ways.  Today I start the physical journey ... I can do this!


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