Monday, March 9, 2015

What's the low down on sodium?

I'm sure you've heard lots of talk about being sure to read your food labels to monitor for sodium levels.  If you haven't, you're hearing it now and you really should!  So many processed foods are full of sodium, especially frozen meals.  Salt is used as a preservative so it typically higher in frozen meals or canned foods.  It doesn't stop there though, it's in everything!  So why should we care about our sodium levels?  Consuming higher levels of sodium will raise your blood pressure, aka hypertension, which is the leading cause of death, disability and cardiovascular disease.

So how much sodium should an adult consume per day?  Humans, 2 years and older, should not consumer more than 2,300mg per day (and yes you should be monitoring your children's food as well).   Guess what the average American consumes in one day .... 3,400mg!!  Wow - that's over 1,000mg over the recommended serving! No wonder cardiovascular disease and stroke are the leading cause of death and costing America nearly 4 billion dollars per year!
* Please note that if you fall into one of the following categories, you should only be consuming 1,500mg per day:  Over 51 years of age, African Americans of any age, people with high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney disease. 

Another place you will pick up lots of extra sodium is dining out.  Keep your dining out in check to avoid high sodium, calorie and fat levels.  Don't be afraid to speak up and ask for light sodium, butter or oils when you are dining out.  Most chefs will accommodate your requests. 

So we've covered recommended sodium levels per day, reading food labels and being conscious when dining out.  Now let's go in your home - what kind of salt do you use and have you ever looked at the sodium content?  For the longest time, I was reading food labels looking for sodium but not looking at the sodium on my salt - it didn't even dawn on me.  Hey we're constantly learning right!

Here's what I found out ...

Here is an ordinary, popular, over the counter table salt. The sodium is at 590mg, per 1/4 tsp.  Can you see how if you're trying to stay under that 2,300mg per day, it can start to add up real quick?

Here's another one.  This one is just a generic, store brand, table salt.  This one is not much better at 560mg per serving.

This next one I wanted to add because it's pretty popular right now.  Not only that but it has a lot of health benefits as well.  I'm referring to Pink Himalayan Sea Salt.  Where most salts dehydrate your body, this salt has benefits to it.  Some of these benefits include:  Rich in Iodine, creates an electrolyte balance, reduces PH, reduces acid reflux, promotes proper metabolism functioning, strengthens bones, lowers blood pressure, helps intestine absorb nutrients, improves circulation and helps eliminate toxins.  All of these awesome properties, and it sill comes in with a lower sodium content at 380mg per serving.
If you want the straight up lowest, best quality, table salt here it is.  At 280mg per serving, this comes in at the lowest sodium option.  You should be able to find this at most grocery stores and I believe I've seen it at Costco.  I did have to go to a nicer grocery store to find it.
 Hopes this helps everyone to be a bit more sodium conscious! 

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