Sunday, March 15, 2015

Challenger Spot Light

This week I want to shine a light on someone I am so inspired by on so many levels!  
This weeks Challenger of the week is Carlos !! :)
Carlos is not only a challenger but he is a long time friend and holds a special place in my heart!

Carlos and I attended elementary school, middle school and high school together and I can honestly say he has never changed.  He's always had a huge heart and hung out with everyone, not just a particular group.  He is compassionate and caring for everyone! 

Carlos and I did not remain close friends after we graduated high school but just like many people, stayed in touch through Facebook (and probably even Myspace for a minute!)  When I became a health coach, I would reach out to him and let him know I was here to support him if he ever did want to start his health journey - although I never pushed him.  I followed him as he tried various things and I celebrated his successes when he had them.  One day he reached out to me and we connected on the phone.  We talked for well over 1 hour about the life he envisioned for himself and what he wanted to accomplish. 
I made a pact with him that day that I would support him and stand by his side until we reached that goal and together we haven't looked back!  What I admire most about Carlos is he NEVER gives up! Just like anyone else, he may have bad days or bad weeks, but he stays connected to why he is doing this and gets back on track!  We have set some awesome goals together and I have no doubt in my mind, that he will reach every single one of them!

Carlos has lost over 40lbs this past year and more importantly, is learning and implementing some healthy long term habits.  He is changing his life and inspiring those around him too. 
He wants to hit the 100lb weight loss mark by this summer and I KNOW he can do it!  Let's all get behind him and support him on this amazing journey.  I know I won't miss a moment of it :)

I'm behind you all the way buddy! 

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